The table below gives information about the underground railway systems in six cities. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.
Sample 1:-The Table Below Gives Information About the Underground Railway Systems in Six Cities
The given data illustrates the information of opening date, the number of passengers traveling per year, along with the radius of the underground railway network in kilometers for six different cities.
Overall, it is noticeable from the data that Tokyo is the busiest railway among the other five cities with the highest number of passengers per year. Whereas , Kyoto has the least number of travelers per year.
To begin with, London has the oldest rail transport system with the highest radius of the rail network, approximately 394 kilometers, and 775 million people are using this public transport every year. Moreover, Paris and Tokyo were opened in 1900 and 1927, but Tokyo had the largest number of commuters than Paris, with a small route of 155 kilometers, respectively 1927 million.
Even though the route of the Paris network is not quite larger than 199 kilometers, 1191 million people travel every year. Washington Dc rail network is about 126 kilometers. It was opened in 1976, and 144 million commuters use it per year. In addition, Los Angeles and Kyoto were opened in 2001 and 1981; the Los Angeles rail network radius is similarly double that of the Kyoto rail network, but both networks had approximately a similar number of travelers every year, less than 50 million.
Sample 2.:-The Table Below Gives Information About the Underground Railway Systems in Six Cities
The provided table chart reflect information about the opening date, length of routes ( in kilometers), and how many people traveled in underground railway systems in six different cities.
Overall, it is clear seen that London was the city among all the given cities where the first underground railway Station was introduced, with the longest route. However, the highest number of people traveled to the Tokyo railway station.
Initiating with London and Paris, where the railway station was opened in 1863 and 1900 with 394 km and 199 km, respectively. But there was a huge difference between the passengers, as for London the figure stood at 775 million and 1199 million for Paris. A great difference was seen in the number of travelers in Tokyo and Washington DC, as the number of people traveling in Tokyo was far more (1927 million ) than that of Washington DC (144 million ), despite the little difference between lengths of track.
Kyoto and Los Angeles, in contrast, were the least in terms of passengers as the railway station in Kyoto came into use in 1981, while in Los Angeles in 2001. The length of the route of Los Angeles was more than twice (28 km) of the former (11km). There was only a difference of 5 million people in both cities as the latter’s passenger was 50 million and the former 45 million.
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