The Table Below Gives Information on Households with Regular Use of A Car: AC Writing Task 1

The table below gives information on households with regular use of a car in Great Britain from 1971 to 2007. Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information shown below. Make comparisons where relevant

The table below gives information on households with regular use of a car in Great Britain from 1971 to 2007.

The chart Illustrates the consumption of four vehicles by families in the nation of the United Kingdom over 36 years.

Overall, it is immediately apparent from the chart, a household with no car fell in Britain, while it doubled in families that had two cars, both rates finally reached 25%.


In detail, the percentage of households that had two cars in the UK began at 8% in 1971, and the ratio shot up sharply from 10% to 25%, which accounted for a rise of 15%. The situation in families who did not have cars Almost reversed these, began at 50% in 1971, when it was actually at its peak, and then fell fairly steadily until around 2007, when it reached about 30% after this rate fluctuated around 5% in 2007.

Furthermore, there were no significant changes observed in the two categories, which menage had one car, either three or more cars. Perhaps, the family utilized the one car on a regular basis already at its peak with shares at approximately 44% in 1971 with no massive changes and remained fairly constant, and the total value stabilized at roughly 41% until 2007. Moreover, the household had more than three cars was an insignificant amount until 1979. Afterwards, this number slightly surged to 20% and skyrocketed after 26 years to 7% of members used their cars.

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