The Table Below Shows Social and Economic Indicators for Four Countries in 1994: AC Writing Task 1

The table below shows social and economic indicators for four countries in 1994, according to United Nations statistics. Describe the information shown below in your own words. What implications do the indicators have for the countries?

The table below shows social and economic indicators for four countries in 1994, according to United Nations statistics

Sample 1 The Table Below Shows Social and Economic Indicators for Four Countries in 1994

The tabular graph elucidates the four indicators in Canada, Japan, Peru, and Zaire in 1994, as shown by United Statistics. The data is calibrated into percentages, US dollars, and numbers.

Overall, it is crystal clear that there was a maximum trend of earning in Japan, whereas the minimum experienced by Zaire was the literacy rate amongst adults.

Looking into the whole details, 11100 US dollars have been earned by the Canadian population every year. Likewise, a huge number of salaries were noticed in Japan, which was 15760 USD, the peak point in the given period. In comparison, 160 dollars were proceeds in the Peru nation. Zaire’s income level decreased by 30 dollars compared to the former country. However, the life expectancy at birth in Canada was 76, which rose by a tiny fraction in Japan. Apart from it, in the other two nations, it was reduced by one-third and one-third respectively in 1994.

Turning to further details, the transformation of calories in daily routine to every person with a high number of calories in Canada, which was observed at 3326, sharply declined by 5126 in Japan, which touched 2846. After that, there was a negligible difference between Peru and Zaire in the supply of calories. Interestingly, the trend of literacy skills amongst adults was almost similar in the first two countries, at 99%. Last but not least, it turned twice, plumping from 99%to 45% of what was revealed by United Nations statistics in 1994.

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