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The Table Below Shows the Worldwide Market Share of The Notebook Computer Market

The Table Below Shows the Worldwide Market Share of The Notebook Computer Market (1)

The table below shows the worldwide market share of the notebook computer market for manufacturers in the years 2006, 2007 and 2014. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and making comparisons where relevant.

Sample Answer of The Table Below Shows the Worldwide Market Share of The Notebook Computer Market

The table gives information about the global market portion of the notebook computer market for producers in three different years; 2006, 2007 and 2014.

Overall, HP computers took the biggest proportion of the market and whiles. Fujitsu company recorded the least sales across the years.

HP computers accounted for 31.4% of the market share in 2006 and had significant growth to 34% and 34.25% in 2007 and 2014, respectively. Dell computers made up 16.6% of the market value in 2006 and experienced a sharp increase by more than 10% in 2014. Toshiba company also had a steady rise of 6.2%, 7.3% and 8.12% ascendingly across the years.

Samsung, Lenovo, and Fujitsu manufacturers together had fluctuations in the percentage growth throughout the years. In 2006, Samsung made up more than one-tenth of the total market but declined by 0.9% in 2007 and saw an increment to 14.2% in 2014. Lenovo’s market share was shortened from 6.6% to 6.26% in 2006 and 2007 but had a slight increase to 7.10% in 2014. Fujitsu totalled 4.8% in 2004 but dropped to 3.1% at the of the period. Other computers portion dipped continuously throughout the years.

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