The Two Maps Below Show an Island Before and After the Construction of Some Tourist

The Two Maps Below Show an Island Before and After the Construction of Some Tourist
The two maps below show an island before and after the construction of some tourist facilities. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.
The two maps below show an island, before and after the construction of some tourist facilities

Sample 1: The Two Maps Below Show an Island Before and After the Construction of Some Tourist

The two maps illustrate information about the Island, how it looks now, and how it looks after a few developments in tourism features.

The two maps reveal that many accommodations are built on islands, and a new pier is built for boat parking.

The first map shows that on the right side of the Island, there are many trees planted, and on the left, there is also a tree. At the east side’s end is a beach, but it is not usable. Interestingly, the Island is surrounded by sea in the north and south.

On the second map, after some construction, they built new houses on the side with many trees, and all seven homes were connected via footpath. On the centre of the Island, a reception area is created for tourists, and on the upper side of the reception hall, one restaurant is also constructed, which is connected by a vehicular track to both the hall and the restaurant. On the left, five accommodations connect the reception area and beach with a footpath, and the beach is now used for swimming. In the end, they created a pier for boats on the island’s south side, connected to the reception area with a vehicle track.


Sample 2:- The Two Maps Below Show an Island Before and After the Construction of Some Tourist

The two maps depict information about the tourist construction on the Island between the past and present time periods.

Overall, it is explicit from the maps that it has significantly changed in the present time. However, it was known as the urban area.

To commence with, the Island had a beach on the southwest side the previous time. Subsequently, it was totally empty except for the few trees in the Southern and western parts of the Island. Following that, the Island was spread out in 100 meters area of land. Moreover, it was the only land without any development.

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In contrast, a few years later it became a developed region with good accommodation as well as better features of restaurants. Similarly, a new restaurant was just near the seaport in the Northern part of the Island. Furthermore, the southeast side of the Island built houses. The southern part of the Island was converted into a residential area; nevertheless, the beach was intact throughout the time period, but a swimming pool was built near the beach. Apparently, the entire Island developed with footpaths along with a vehicle track.

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Hi, I am Manpreet, a Blogger, Freelancer, SEO Consultant, an Internet Marketer, I am a research analyst who loves to evaluate data relating to the Education industry, Main server

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