The Working Process of Automatic Phone Both. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant. Write at least 150 words.
The given diagram illustrates information about the automatic photo booth and how to click the photo. Overall, there are nine steps, and the photos will be ready within a minute.
Coins should be inserted into the slot outside the booth to start the process. Then, users can select from a colored or monochrome large picture or a colored passport-size picture. Once the settings are made, the user can go inside by opening the curtain, and the mirror is located on the top part of the booth where users can fix their appearance. Four arrows are pointing in the middle to provide a guide where the eye level should be aligned to the user, and an adjustable stool is provided.
Before taking a picture, ensure that the curtain is closed, and once ready, pull the switch to activate the camera. The photograph is taken three seconds after the flash, then it will be developed within a minute, and it will be printed on the tray outside the booth below the controls.
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