These Days, Many People Like to Watch Live Performances (such as Shows or Concerts) at Home

These days, many people like to watch live performances (such as shows or concerts) at home, either on TV or on a computer, instead of attending in person. Do the advantages of this trend outweigh its disadvantages?

Sample 1  These Days, Many People Like to Watch Live Performances (such as Shows or Concerts) at Home

It has been seen that nowadays, an increasing number of people prefer to watch live performances on electronic devices that they have, such as mobile phones, laptops or television, instead of experiencing them by visiting physically. In my perspective, it has more advantages and disadvantages as they can watch concerts or live shows at any time and anywhere. They can avoid additional expenditures apart from purchasing a ticket and many more.

First off, the masses can watch any concerts or live shows anytime and anywhere. To elaborate, people have a hectic schedules, and they hardly get spare time for themselves to enjoy their life. Sometimes tight deadlines do not let them indulge in entertainment activities. Therefore, electronic gadgets make it easy for them to enjoy public performances in their comfort zone. For instance, the majority of people take advantage of online streaming services to entertain themselves, as these provide transparent sound and picture quality. Individuals can watch them later or download them. Therefore according to their times’ schedule, they can enjoy them. Moreover, visiting in person to the venue, where these are arranged now and then, puts an additional financial burden on them, such as expenses for travelling and food, and people also indulge in shopping and buying things automatically. So, watching on a computer or laptop is inexpensive for them. Besides, they save time in case they get fed up with the performance. They can utilise that time to do other useful activities.

On the other hand, visiting in person to witness live shows gives one a chance to know other people of different social or cultural backgrounds. They can remove their culture shock after exchanging ideas or appreciating cultural values. For example, a folk song can be the favourite of an Indian or African. These live performances unite the people regardless of their colour, caste or creed. People enjoy the language of music like rhythm, bass etc. Apart from it, this reduces the burden on the people as they feel fresh by visiting in person and developing positivity. It is a kind of break from stressful work. To exemplify it, they do dance, eat delicious food, click photos there or record their memories. Thus these are good for people to visit personally to directly experience the performance.


To conclude, it is clear that watching concerts on live shows has more benefits than demerits. These save the public’s time and other extra charges. These devices give a chance to people to do other useful activities if they get bored with the content on them. Moreover, visiting in person gives a chance to people to acquire first-hand experience and remove stress by indulging in fun activities, normally dancing, photography or consuming delicious food.

Sample 2 These Days, Many People Like to Watch Live Performances (such as Shows or Concerts) at Home

Watching web series for entertainment purposes plays an indispensable role in everyone’s life, owing to which it is generally argued that whether these days people watch television at home rather than cinema is beneficial or not. As it not solely saves time but also preserves money.

Commencing with this, there are a plethora of benefits to watching movies at home. First and foremost, it saves time. This is because if individuals watch movies at home on either mobile phones or television, then it is quite beneficial for them because it saves time in travelling; therefore, people can enjoy the films at home. Besides this, the masses can also watch movies according to their flexibility and repeat the hilarious scenes also. Nevertheless, in cinema, it is not possible. Take Canada as an epitome, which showed that most of the masses watch movies on their cellphone to save time. As a result, it is constructive development and brings drastic improvement in individual life.

Probing ahead, another merit of watching movies at home is it saves money also. In other words, nowadays, tickets to the cinema are expensive as few individuals cannot afford that charge. Thus, they prefer to watch movies at home because, at home, they watch movies on their cell phones at a low cost. Besides this, it is also beneficial for the individual’s holistic development. For instance, nowadays, 90 % of people watch movies on Netflix instead of cinema because Netflix offers movies at a lower price. Consequently, it is beneficial for an individual to save money.

Despite various advantages, it also has too many disadvantages. At home, individuals do not get high-quality sound and clear high-definition pictures; hence, watching films for entertainment purposes is quite fruitful for the individuals in the cinema hall compared to the home. Furthermore, sometimes electricity is not present at home the cinema is the superior way to watch movies. Hence, it is cinema justified boon for the individual.

Having concluded, although cinema provides picture quality, watching movies at home is fruitful in order to save time and money.

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