Today Different Kinds of Advertising Influence Our Life Writing Task 2

Today different kinds of advertising influence our life. Do the negative effects of this development outweigh the positive?

It goes without saying that advertisement is an economic system that encourages people to buy more and more things, and this factor is divided into several parts in modern societies. However, many may see it as a positive phenomenon. It is not a trend without a drawback both the merits and demerits will be explicated in this easy before a reasonable conclusion is reached.

The first advantage is that they avail of the instruments with no charge, sports teams or players are given free equipment instruments that they could not afford. Otherwise, players can focus on their sports instead of being distracted by financial worries. For instance, some hard-working sportsmen take the benefit from the advertising influence, which leads to getting popular in a short time period and performing well in their carrier. Another worth mentioning the reason for advertisement influence is freedom of choice is one of the key principles for a democratic society so they can easily manage their lifestyle and grow their business worldwide as there are ample business models are required the advertising ascendancy as which they can increase their sale towards the market and change the sedentary lifestyle of individuals.

On the contrary, there are a few types of advertisements quite popular among the people, like company sponsorship, targeting children, fast food adverts and increasing spending, but they all have a negative influence on people’s life. Moreover, there are some companies that advertise products that are harmful to health. For instance, tobacco companies, among others, should not allow advertisement in individual life. Whilst another demerit of advertising is promoting fast food, which is not suitable for the human body when the regular consumption of fast food is increased, which also leads to major consequences for human health. As a result, some health consequences would be faced like obesity and another sort of issues. Such as, there is no need to advertise fast food because it is already everywhere, and these practices bring a negative influence on people.


After the overall analysis, the advertisement influence must be addressed in a positive way. Therefore, I pen down and saying that some of these practices are in favour of individuals which they can avail themselves and make their lifestyle easier.

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