Today there are a lots of websites providing news on the internet . some are believe that these websites will totally replace traditional newspapers and magazines. To what extent do you agree or disagree ?
In modern era , Internet is becoming part and parcel of our life . A number of news websites are running on internet . Some people agree that digital media will take palace of printing media in future . According to my opinion while websites are becoming popular, but it will not replace print media fully.
News websites are providing up-to-date news related to all fields whereas newspaper or magazines give us one day old news. Moreover , Websites provide us more options such as sharing ,Downloads print as well as video clips with news. In addition to it, news websites reduce the wastage of paper because all news are easily available on web and different apps, So that there are no need to print the news .
However , Newspapers and magazines are cheaper than digital media So , that every person can easily afford it. Apart from it sometimes old generation is not tech-savvy and they prefer to read news in native language . furthermore it is reader friendly or with a flip of page one can glance through a variety of news . so there is no need to open number of tabs of browser.
To conclude , there is no doubt that digital media is beneficial for us but it will not totally overtake the traditional newspaper and magazines
Today there are a lots of websites providing news on the internet Today there are a lots of websites providing news on the internet
Today there are a lots of websites providing news on the internet Today there are a lots of websites providing news on the internet
Today there are a lots of websites providing news on the internet Today there are a lots of websites providing news on the internet
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