Universities Should Accept Equal Numbers of Male and Female

Universities should accept equal numbers of male and female students in every subject. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Sample 1:-Universities Should Accept Equal Numbers of Male and Female

Higher colleges should not have gender disparity in offering seats to students for any subject, which is a bone of contention for some.
I strongly agree with this notion that male and female pupils should have freedom of choice . To prove my argument, I would like to elaborate further in the following passage.

To initiate, postgraduate studies have a vast number of subjects that one can opt for, but considering the study materials and length of education, pupils make their choices. To illustrate, women have a strong inclination and lengthy concentration span when it comes to studying. Therefore, they go for subjects like science and research. Which suits them, and mostly, the studies are indoors in laboratories where they don’t have to commute to remote places. If any institute has limitations on this seat sharing, they should expand their horizon, and no matter what, all interested female candidate should be getting their preferred subjects.

On the other hand, men have short attention and are impatient. They have responsibilities, and that’s the reason they want to get into the income group at the earliest. Therefore, they choose a banking, accounting, arts, teaching, etc., which leverages them into payroll immediately. These streams are not meticulous and require less work compared to science. The duration of studies is also less. Considering the above factors, the organizations should not discourage males from taking the subjects stating there is a reservation for another gender.


To conclude, universities should allot equal seats for both genders and allow them to have freedom of their choice.

Sample 2:-Universities Should Accept Equal Numbers of Male and Female

Nowadays, education is the first priority for parents to provide for their children.. And they work hard in their lives for their children so their children go to schools and universities. Every parent’s children are the same, even if they are girls or boys. So in every university, authorities need to share an equal number of seats for males and females. I think seats should go to a capable person who is knowledgeable in their field.

To begin with, in this present era, there is no gender difference in human society. Not only are men successful in every industry, but women are also more wealthy than men. Moreover, giving the same seats to girls as boys in university provides an opportunity to girls whose parents are underprivileged and cannot afford the fees of their peers. For example, in India, the government provides many facilities for women, such as free transportation, some discounts on flats when the apartment’s owner is a woman,  for women .

In addition, there are fewer girls in school today as compared to boys, so if the university provides the same number of seats as boys, how is it possible? . For instance, if the state government allows both girls and boys, some boys who are much more capable will not get any seats at the university.

In conclusion, it is good to allow the same number of seats at universities for girls . However, girls are now not participating as much as boys, so it’s not possible to provide equal seats to girls. And in my view, I think talented people need to get a seat at the university.

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