Write a Letter to Invite Your English-speaking Friend to Watch a New Film With You About Your Country.

Write a letter to invite your English-speaking friend to watch a new film with you about your country. In the letter, you should:

  • include some information about the film.
  • explain why your friend might be interested to watch the film.
  • inform other arrangements you will be made for watching the film.

Dear Friend,

I hope this letter finds you in good health. I’m writing this letter to check if you are willing to watch the latest movie with me about India. Please allow me to explain in detail below.

There are numerous movies that show the importance of the country ‘India’ and the growth of the industrial revolution and the technology for many centuries. For instance, the new movie “TECHNOLOGY IN INDIA” shows the updated changes and trends in technology such as communication, electronics devices, etc. The main characters in this movie develop new devices and communication media to enhance the 5G culture in India. As you are enthusiastic about the latest technologies in smartphones and fast-growing communication systems, it would be interesting to watch the movie and gain good knowledge.


I have booked two tickets in the nearby theatre. I will come to your home around 6 PM on Saturday evening and therefore go together in my car. It is a great way to spend quality time together on the weekend.

Hoping to meet you soon,

Your dear friend.

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