Write a Letter to Your Friend Who Is Visiting Your Apartment While You Are Gone

Write a letter to your friend who is visiting your apartment while you are gone. In your letter, you should tell:

  • where the keys are
  • to take care of one important thing inside your apartment while you are away
  • what to do on the day of your arrival

Dear Guri,

How are you? I’m thrilled to know that you’ve accepted my invitation to stay at my place, while I’ll be away from home. You can’t believe that on hearing it, how secure I feel now?

Let me tell you that the house keys are under the flower pot near the entrance of my house. If you fail to locate the other keys, you can take them from Mr Wilson, who lives next door to me.


Furthermore, will you do me a favour for me to water the plants twice a day? It’ll be a great help if you could take my pet for a morning and evening walk. The Air-conditioner of the hall is not working, so you don’t need to call any professional to fix the problem as winter is going on. But do remember to throw garbage in trash bins every second day for the easy collection of garbage vans.

You’ll be cheerful to know that after a week, I’ll be able to meet you. Would you mind picking me up from the railway station? You can drive my car, which is in a garage and the key is on the upper shelf of my cupboard. I’m reaching at sharp 7 in the morning. If it is possible, take my pet with you because I cannot help seeing him.

I am hoping to see you soon!

Yours Loving,

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