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You and Your Colleague Want to Use a Company Room

You and Your Colleague Want to Use a Company Room

You and your colleague want to use a company room. Write a letter to your manager and ask for permission. In your letter, you should:

Explain why you need the room
Describe which room you need and why
Let me know what changes you’ll need in the room.

Sample Answer of You and Your Colleague Want to Use a Company Room

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to you to seek your permission for using one of the rooms of your company.

Let me tell you the necessity of arranging a room. Mr Watson and I have been struggling hard to bring work /life balance for employees. Mr Watson is a senior executive, and it has been brought to our attention that personnel of our company are depressed and displaying poor performance. Therefore, it is necessary to arrange a seminar on stress management.

I want to inform you that the room on the ground floor is needed most. It is owing to senior guest speakers, who will make our workers understand how to tackle pressure. Moreover, it will not be a hindrance to the smooth running of other department’s work.

Would you be kind enough to provide microphones, a water bottle along with a copy and a pen on each table? There is no need for other technological gadgets except an overhead projector.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,

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