You Are Working for A Company. It Would Be Best if You Took Some Time Off Work and Want to Ask Your Manager About This. Write a Letter to Your Manager. In your Letter:-
- Explain Why You Want to Take Time Off Work.
- Give Details of The Amount of Time You Need.
- Suggest how Your Work Could Be Covered While You Are Away.
Dear Sir
I am Vikas Doomra, employee code 11345. I recently finished a major project in the Singapore branch. I am writing to request a long leave from work to visit my hometown.
As you know, this Singapore project was a challenging task for us to finish on time. I worked on this project around the clock and submitted the PPR (post-project report) yesterday, too. After these long working hours, I need a break. I would appreciate it if you allowed me a month off from the office; I would like to spend this month with my family.
Moreover, I currently don’t have any pending work, and the sales team will take time to finalize the next project. I believe that if I stay away from work for a few days, it will help me to improve my productivity for the next project. I start to work with a fresh mind.
In the end, I have assigned 2 team members for the next project. They will do 2 hours of extra duty to finish my work and report to you. Furthermore, I will be available by phone and on the net app. If they have any problems, they will discuss them with me.
Thank you
Yours sincerely
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