You have taken a holiday cruise and were disappointed with the experience. Write a letter to the cruise provider. In your letter, say:
- What went wrong?
- How did you feel about it?
- What do you want to be done about it?
Dear Sir/Madam,
My name is Thaís, and I am writing this letter to talk about my awful experience on your holiday cruise. I had a lot of expectations, considering that a closer friend of mine had the same holiday and indicated to me. It is easy to have high expectations when you take Something that someone close to you already took.
I will start with the first thing that made me disappointed. Before we were on board, we had a check-in, as if we were travelling by plane. As it was my first experience, I was not expecting it. All the process was the same, and one of the staff gave me the tag identification. But what happened was: my luggage was missing. We usually have this problem travelling by plane, but how can it happen when you travel by ship, with only one departure? As a result, I had no clothes, which made me spend some quantity of money (not planned to be spent) in the shops.
The second thing is about the food. When I booked this holiday, I got all the information, to be sure what could be part of the price I was paying for. And the free buffet was one of the things that made me happy about the price. The information was that three meals would be provided (breakfast, lunch and dinner), with drinks included. To my surprise, I realized (too late) that the only meal provided was breakfast. Again, I had more expenses than I had planned.
I am a person that is constantly going on holidays, and I have already experienced challenging situations. But I never felt so mistaken. I had planned a week to relax, but I got more stressed thinking about money, thinking if I was going to be able to pay for all week’s meals. Even complaining about it, I had not any type of resolution to my problem.
I think that the smallest thing that can be done for me is an ask to apologize for all the stress that I went through. Also, I want a refunded all the extra costs I had because of my missing luggage and no included meals.
I will be waiting for a resolution of my problem, but if I do not receive any reply within 15 days, I will bring my lawyer to take care of it.
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