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You Ride a Bicycle to Work but There Is a Problem with The Parking

You Ride a Bicycle to Work but There Is a Problem with The Parking (1)

You ride a bicycle to work, but there is a problem with the parking. Write a letter to the manager of the Parking Management Company. In your letter, you should tell:

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to you to express my distress regarding the unavailability of space to park my bicycle.

Let me inform you that I often commute via my bicycle to my workplace. I have not been living too far from my workplace, so I prefer to bicycle to get there on time. Moreover, I am environmentally friendly, so I had chosen a bicycle to make my travelling hassle-free from having traffic.

All you know, lack of adequate parking space is creating a feeling of dissatisfaction among employees with the company. Many times, it had been seen that personnel park their cars at that place, which is meant for bike riders. So, it remains full at all times. Resultantly, I had to park my bicycle on the road. Occasionally, it had been seen laying on the road in a deteriorated condition.

I would like you to fix the problem by appointing personnel, who can guide the employees, where to park their vehicles. If it is possible, then CCTV cameras must be installed so that guilty can be caught red-handed. They park their cars haphazardly. As a result, it is difficult for me as well as my other counterparts to move their vehicles.

I hope you will look into the matter and do work for fair justice.

Yours Faithfully,

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