You Travelled by Plane Last Week, and Your Suitcase Was Lost: GT Writing Task 1

You Travelled by Plane Last Week, and Your Suitcase Was Lost. You Have Still Heard Nothing from The Airline Company. Write to The Airline.

  • Explain What Happened
  • Describe Your Suitcase and Tell Them What Was in It.
  • Find out What They Are Going to Do About It.

Dear Spicejet,

I hope this email finds you well. I recently travelled on one of your flights from Delhi to Amritsar on 12-12-2022. Unfortunately, my suitcase was lost, and I have yet to receive any updates on its whereabouts.

The suitcase is a black hard-shell case with a distinctive red luggage tag attached to the handle. Inside, I had packed a number of personal items, including clothing, toiletries, and electronics. The loss of these items has caused me significant inconvenience, and I would appreciate your assistance in resolving this matter as soon as possible.


I would be grateful if you could provide me with an update on the status of my suitcase and let me know what steps your company is taking to locate and return it to me. I would also appreciate any information you can provide on the compensation process for lost luggage.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to your prompt response.


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