You Were Studying in an English Speaking Country

You were studying in an English speaking country and suddenly needed to go back to your home country leaving your course incomplete. Write a letter to your teacher to

  • Thank him
  • Explain the reason you left without completing your course
  • Say during your course study what did you like most about this course.

Dear Sir or Madam,
I had been pursuing a Masters psychology for a year; however, I felt the need to leave my course unfinished, and I had to return to my native place.

First of all, I am greatly indebted to you for your valuable advice as well as the teaching methodology that helped me in getting immense knowledge during my study.

I would like to tell you that I did not want to leave the course in between. Instead, it had been my dream to acquire a degree and work in that culture. However, a sudden paralysing attack on my mother compelled me to make this decision. I had no one at home to look after her, so she wanted me to be there for her help. After all, it is due to my mother that I got admission to your reputed college, and now it is my turn to serve her.


I would be elated to tell you that the practice session had been most entertaining and knowledgeable for me during the course. Moreover, a visit to the asylum made me aware of the pitiable condition of the people. It had been an everlasting influence on me.

In the end, I hope if I get another chance to complete my study, I will definitely get admission to your college. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours Faithfully,

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