Your Brother Couldn’t Join You on A Trip that You Guys Planned: GT Writing Task 1

Your brother couldn’t join you on a trip that you guys planned. Write a letter to a friend inviting him to join:

  • Explain the trip.
  • Explain why your brother couldn’t make it.
  • Give details about the trip.

Dear Guri,

It’s been a long time since we talked with each other. Now I have a golden opportunity for you to join me on a three-day trip. It’d be a great moment for both of us.

Let me tell you that it’s a three-day trip to Rajasthan. We will be moving on 1st August in my car. It is a group of five people, including you. So, it is going to set in in the wee hours.


Furthermore, I’d like to tell you that earlier, and my brother had a wish to enjoy this trip; however, he could not make it due to his busy schedule and ill health. Otherwise, he’d been planning for it for a month ago.

Moreover, the trip costs 5000 for a person, which is not too big as we will stay in a luxury hotel and the meal will be superb. Interestingly, free transport in full-Syed is icing on the cake for all of us.

I hope you’ll not miss the chance and will be eager to join me soon.

Yours Loving,

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