Your Friend Has Just Moved to a New House

Your friend has just moved to a new house. Write a letter to your friend and let him know about the gift that you have prepared for him/her. In your letter, you should:

  • Describe the gift
  • Tell how it will be delivered
  • Explain why you chose it.

Dear ABC,

It’s been a long time since we’ve talked with each other. My happiness knew that no bounds when I received your letter yesterday. I was thrilled to get to know that you’ve shifted to a new house and I’ve purchased a special gift for you.

You’ll be elated to know that I’ve purchased a beautiful vase and painted it with varied colours and the lighting in the vase makes it more enchanting. On top of that, it can be replaced with another one, if it loses its brightness.


You did not need to worry about getting it as the next month, I am coming to meet you at weekend. So, I will bring it for you and in this way. We will be able to recall our past memories and there will be great fun and frolic.

Let me tell you why did I select it? It’s just because of adding more charm to the beauty of your house. Besides, it is an antique piece of art and you will get it anywhere as I bought it, when I travelled to China for my business trip.

Furthermore, I knew you have a habit of collecting period pieces.

Hoping to see you soon!

Yours Loving,

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