Academic reading practice test 15

Academic reading practice test 15 (Passage 1 The Development of Travel under the Ocean, Passage 2 Vitamins, Passage 3 The Birth of Suburbia)

Academic reading practice test 15 (Passage 1 The Development of Travel under the Ocean, Passage 2 Vitamins, Passage 3 The Birth of Suburbia)



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Passage 1 The Development of Travel under the Ocean



For millennia, humans have been intrigued by what lies beneath the sea* and although submarine travel was attempted from time to time, it did not become commonplace until the middle of the last century. Several clever and innovative people had experimented with designs for submersible boats before then, but there was much loss of life and little success.

Passage 2 Vitamins To supplement or not?


Mineral, vitamin, and antioxidant health supplements make up a multi-billion-dollar industry in the United States alone, but do they really work? Evidence suggests supplementation is clearly indicated in special circumstances, but can actually be harmful in others. For the general population, however, supplements have negligible or no impact on the prevention of common cancers, cardiovascular diseases, cognitive decline, mortality, or any other major indicators of health. In pursuit of a longer, happier and healthier life, there are certainly better investments for most people than a tube of vitamin supplements.

passage 3 The Birth of Suburbia


A. There is no single pivotal moment that could be separated out from any other as the conception of the suburban lifestyle; from the early 1800s, various types of suburban development have sprung up and evolved in their own localized ways, from the streetcar suburbs of New York to the dormitory towns outside of London. It is William Levitt, however, who is generally regarded as the father of modem suburbia.

During World War II, Levitt served in the United States Navy where he developed expertise in the mass construction of military housing, a process that he streamlined using uniform and interchangeable parts. In 1947, the budding developer used this utilitarian knowledge to begin work with his father and architect brother constructing a planned community on Long Island, New York. With an emphasis on speed, efficiency, and cost-effective production, the Levitts were soon able to produce over 30 units a day.

Academic reading practice test 15 (Passage 1 The Development of Travel under the Ocean, Passage 2 Vitamins, Passage 3 The Birth of Suburbia)


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