An activity that helps you in work or study in routine.
You should say:
What is it?
How it can help you?
Explain in brief?
Sample 1:-
Well, each and every human being has to do several activities in his or her life because works are necessary for studies or earning bread. I also do enormous things for my studies. And here I would like to talk about some activities which I do in my daily routine. I explain it briefly.
First of all, I get up early in the morning at around 5:30. I go to the bathroom and take a bath which refreshes my entire body. Then, I pray to Almighty for some time for the goodness of my family. After that, I do studies in the peace of morning because, at that time, no one wakes up so early. So, I can fully concentrate on my studies.
Then, I wish to my parents and get their blessings. Till 8:30 am, I eat breakfast and get ready to go to college. In college, I attend all the lectures and try hard to clear every concept of the topic related to the college curriculum. Besides, I spend time with my friends and have fun.
In the noon, I come back to my home and have a meal with my loving mother. After then I take a short nap to rejuvenate my fatigued mind. Apart from it, I help my mom in domestic works such as cooking tea, serving snacks and so on.
Certainly, I go to the Library named “Deen Library” for group study with my friends because they also come over there. This library is very big convenient for me because I can borrow books from there and read it at my home. Deen Library has a variety of books that help me to broaden the horizons of my knowledge.
In the evening, I spend time with my family such as talking with my mom, playing with my siblings and asked about serious issues from my dear father. We have dinner together at night.
So, after having food, I wish to my parents and go to my bedroom. Then, I read a book for half an hour. Lovingly, I pray to God again and sleep at around 8:30.
All in all, these things I do in my daily schedule for my studies in order to bright my future by competing for this contemporary world.
Sample 2:-
Well, every individual does various activities in his or her daily schedule. I remember that when I was a school going child I had no worries and it was very easy for me to focus on my studies. But now, I am a college student as well as doing a part-time job. So, it becomes hard for me to concentrate on my studies sometime. Many social and professional issues distract me while studying from time to time.
Once I realized that all these distractors are lagging me behind from my competitor friends. So, I tried meditation, singing, listening to music, napping. But I could not get the desired results. Having thought a lot I decided to write down my dreams on paper which can be fulfilled only if I study like a brilliant student. And before commencing study I always read this paper every day.
Along with this, I read some motivational quotes which I have written on the backside of that paper. Whenever I read this paper, it infuses me with positive energy. In this way, I can study for 2 to 3 hours without thinking about useless things which I did some time ago. To wrap up, I am not sure whether this method has any specific name or not but I call it taking a glance to magical.
Now, I can easily learn each topic related to my course curriculum as well as get good marks in exams or class tests. Moreover, my classmate asked me about the improvements in my studies which I have done for some time. Then, I recommended this paper to him or her and she also found it useful. However, I call it magical paper because it works like magic for me and enables me to concentrate on my studies.
Question: What kinds of work need patience?
Answer: Well, All types of works need patience and without patience, nothing is possible because when one does not have patience, then she or he can easily be distracted and do a mistake. So, every work needs patience, full concentration, and hard work.
Question: Do you think people need to be patience in their free time?
Answer: Yes Definitely, time is very precious, do not waste the time in a waste type of thing because when the time is gone that will not back. Respect the time and do some work or activities in free time with patience and managed well.
Question: Do you think Indian parents should allow their children to do whatever they want to do in free time?
Answer: according to my point of view, Indian parents should allow their kids which they want to do but it is necessary to keep a surveillance on them. Because at times, Children may indulge in unscrupulous ways. Moreover, parents inculcate moral values to their offsprings in order to protect them from evil activities.
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An activity that helps you in work or study in routine
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