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Describe a Computer/phone Game You Have Enjoyed Playing Since Your Childhood

Describe a Computer phone Game You Have Enjoyed Playing Since Your Childhood (1)

Describe a computer/phone game you have enjoyed playing since your childhood

Sample Answer of Describe a Computer/phone Game You Have Enjoyed Playing Since Your Childhood

To be very frank, I have never liked computer games, and maybe because of that I’ve been into physical games more, and that is what I love to do also, for example, I love playing cricket, football, and other outdoor games. But still I remember that during my childhood, specifically I was in sixth grade that time my friend introduced me a video game called Super Mario and I could say that this game was so trending that my friends and other schoolmates whom I knew were used to bunk their classes to play this game particularly and when my friend introduced me to this, Initially I didn’t like that much so I was playing on and off like intermittently I was playing but slowly and gradually started falling in love with this game and then like they were different versions coming on of this game so we used to buy every version whenever we finished the earlier version and then there was a time where I and my friends were decided to play this game in a group, this was the time when I was in grade 10th, when we used to call each other at one friend’s place and then we set up this game on everyone’s monitor and used to play throughout the day and that would mostly be the Sunday because obviously weekdays were not possible for us because of the school. But, yes, this was the game which I still remember that I had played like a crazy person, mad guy and played till my college day, but after that, I totally came out of that zone, and now I am all into physical sports.

Follow ups Describe a Computer/phone Game You Have Enjoyed Playing Since Your Childhood

Question 1. What is the impact of teen addiction to games?

Answer – I would say addiction to games is detrimental. Forex, if a child gets addicted to any kind of games be it video or computer games, then that pupil should totally get diverted from the studies and curriculum and just devote his or her time to the game, and apart from that impacting your studies, it also impacts your health as you are constantly in front of the screen that damages your eyes and also, I have seen my friends who have skipped their lunch so that they can complete the game level. Basically, it has a very bad impact on those children.

Question 2. Should parents or teachers take necessary action to prevent children from playing games?

Answer – It totally depends on the intensity of the level of those children that is if they are deeply there engrossed in those games and leaving their studies aside and also not doing any extracurricular activity or not getting involved in any other kind of social activities then definitely there is an intervention required, and it is always preferable that if it is done by teachers or parents or mature elder siblings.

Question 3. What do you think are the benefits of playing games?

Answer – As per my experience, the first and foremost benefit of playing games is that you get acquainted with the software and hardware environment because if you compare with a child who has not played any kind of games or not into this kind of environment, then in the future if he has to do that than that will be a very hostile kind of feeling for him or her so it will be somewhere beneficial also if this has been played in a limited manner. Finally, I would say this type of experience gives a child knowledge related to the computer world or, in other words, the child gets familiar with the digital world.

Question 4. Why have games been popular amongst teenagers in recent years?

Answer – I am not sure about this because I am not into games, and frankly, I dislike playing games. But what I feel is that it is a fascinating thing when you play the kind of game which gives a gratifying feeling that you are doing something big, kind of an accomplishment when you beat your opponent, which in reality is not that easy to do so. Also, when you are playing, it develops an imaginative world where students feel like they can do anything according to their wishes.

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