Describe a Funny Person You Know.

Describe a funny person you know.
you should say:
who is the person
how he is funny
when you meet him
and explain what you remember most about it.

Sample Answer of Describe a Funny Person You Know.

There are different types of people who live in the world together and they are featured with diversified characters. I have met John, a man of fun, who is my childhood friend. He is the man who will make anyone feel comfortable with his companion and no one cannot stop laughing hearing his jokes and the way he talks. Basically, he is a computer engineer by profession and loves to travel.             IELTSFever Pinterest

He is filled with vast experiences of traveling in different parts of the world. he is always the center of attraction whenever he starts talking. anyone around him never gets bored due to his sense of humor. Sometimes he cracks a joke with a very serious expression and people get serious about the joke. also When I become stressed for my work or for any other matter, I share my imbalanced mental and emotional states with him to get some advice to overcome the complexities. But before I complete the statements, he provides the solutions and it amazes me most that is the thing I really like about him.

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