Describe a Person Who Solved a Problem in A Smart Way

Describe a person who solved a problem in a smart way. You should say

  • Who is this person?
  • What was the problem?
  • How did he/she solve it?
  • And explain why you think he/ she did it in a smart way.

Sample 1:- Describe a Person Who Solved a Problem in A Smart Way

There are a number of things that we resolve in groups or individually, but today I wanna talk about that situation where my team and I got stuck, and our minds stopped working.

We don’t know how to resolve this issue and get our task completed on time. After struggling a lot, I made a call to my senior manager his name is Venkata.

He has more the 15 years of experience in the field of cording. He came to my desk and asked about the problem, I discussed the problem and told him that I did this thing to fix this bug, but no outcome was received even after multiple attempts. The problem was with the software; it was throwing the same error again and again.


After some time, he came and said that this was the issue and we had to apply this method to resolve this issue. He said to apply reveres method to resolve this bug.

And I did the same thing which was mentioned to me do it. And I saw that issue was resolved and realized why we didn’t think about this method before. He did this in a smarter way because we had applied all tricks to resolve this issue, and he knew that in this way, it was not working, so he applied the reverse method and used his smart skill to resolve the issue.

Sample 2:- Describe a Person Who Solved a Problem in A Smart Way

There was a technical problem at my workplace in 2016, which required a clever solution. My Supervisor, Engr. Isaac was able to provide the best, workable, and cost-effective solution to the issue encountered.

I was on site when my attention was called to a gap between two items that were intended to lap with each other. Preliminary dimensional checks were done, and the opening between the two items needed to be closed so that the structure could pass dimensional checks.

I met with some supervisors, and we brainstormed on a solution. What we were able to come up with was to insert a sheet metal to close the opening, but this will increase the weight of the structure, and the cost to implement the solution was high, so it was not feasible.

When we could not arrive at a better solution, I went to my supervisor and explained the issue to him. He paused for a moment and said we have to do “Buttering.” I was amazed at such a quick and clever thought. Looking at the suggestion, it was workable, easy to implement, and it did not cost much in terms of labor and materials; this is why I deemed it a clever decision.

Follow-Up Questions

Question 1:- Do you think children are born smart, or do they learn to become smart?

Answer 1:-Yes, I do, children are born smart, and there is no need to repeat again and again things. For example: if we unlock our smartphone in front of the child, they do the same thing to unlock it. It was clear from scientific research which scientists claim that unborn babies start learning in the mother of the womb.

Answer 2:- I believe children are born smart, but whether this capacity is enhanced or left dormant is dependent on a lot of factors. This includes family history, environment, and the things a child is exposed to.

Question 2:- How do children become smart at school?

Answer 1:- Nowadays, there are a number of activities in schools where children and take participate and enhance their mental and physical strength in a smarter way. For instance, inner school competitions and outer school competitions play the most important role. Apart from it, there are art and craft classes also where they can learn how to recycle waste material.

Answer 2:- There are lots of ways children can become intelligent at school. Firstly, exposing children to different teaching methods, for example, having a physical representation of what you are telling them, makes them smart. Also, since children are curious, engaging them in activities that surge their curiosity can make them intelligent. Finally, Reading opens up their mind, and this is another channel for them to become smart.

Question 3:- Why are some people well-rounded and others only good at one thing?

Answer 1:- Some people find one thing that they are good at and throw all of their efforts into that one thing, becoming experts. Others do not have one passion but rather prefer to develop many different talents. Either way, most people tend to focus on things they are good at rather than things they struggle with.

Answer 2:- There are different reasons for this. An article I once read mentioned heredity as one of the contributing factors to intelligence. If a child comes from a family of well-rounded people, then the probability that the child is well-rounded is very high, and vice versa. Also, the number of things someone is exposed to while growing up is a contributing factor to whether or not one will be well-rounded or only good at one thing.

Question 4:- Why does modern society need talent of all kinds?

Answer 1:- Well, modern society needs talents of all kinds because that is the best way to have a healthy workforce and, consequently, a healthy society. If everyone were good at science and became doctors, then no one would become an author or a teacher, or a business person. It is much better to have a multitalented society so that everyone can contribute something different. We need just as many artists as we need accountants.

Answer 2:- The need for a variety of talents in today’s society is a result of the constant changing and evolving of our world. Also, diversity amongst demographics has called for the need for diverse skills since older demographics’ needs are mostly totally different from the younger ones, so each demographic requires different talents to cater to their need.

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