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Describe a speech you gave speaking IELTS EXAM

Describe a speech you gave speaking IELTS EXAM

Well I have not delivered to many speeches in my life. But I remember one of them which improve my self-confidence level. When I was studied in 12th class then I delivered a speech in a competition which was organized by an NGO. My topic of the speech was “find the real you”. It was a motivational speech. On my speech, I addressed so many students and one thing which was really good that was everyone listen to me very seriously. I told in my speech ” How to built your self-confidence” and ” Never Give up in a Life” Like a coin has two sides our life also have two-phase success or failure. So, try hard when you get the failure and you will get success very easily. I finished my speech covered the topic with ” Love Yourself” and “choose your carrier which you like” I remember that time because every teacher praised me and give reward me for it. This speech changed my life now I am more confident than before

(Preet Kaur)

Follow Ups

How can they improve their public speaking skills?

Why do you think many people are nervous before they give a speech?

What qualities should these visiting speakers have?

Why do you many people find it hard to give a talk to young children?

Why do people give the speech to children?

Who makes people do so?

What kind of people can give the speech to children?

Do you think people who are good public speakers have talents that they were born with?

Nowadays technology has replaced some aspects of communication. Can you give any examples of that?

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Describe a speech you gave speaking IELTS EXAM

Describe a speech you gave speaking IELTS EXAM

Describe a speech you gave speaking IELTS EXAM


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