Describe a time when you helped someone. You should say
- When did you help?
- How did you help?
- How you felt after helping?
Sample 1 Describe a Time when You Helped Someone
Well, helping others is a kind gesture. I love to help every person, and even I sometimes go out of my way to help them. Here I would like to speak about my friend who asked me for my help, and I felt over the moon about helping her.
As her job was round the clock and she had a lot of sitting work, she developed a bad posture, and a sedentary lifestyle really transformed her body and habits. She was in depression, and then she discussed every problem with me then I suggested a viable solution.
I told her to meditate for half an hour and do some exercises so that she could release stress and develop a good physique. Earlier she had no habit of taking breakfast. She used to eat late.
I made a timetable for her, and she strictly followed it, and after three months, I had a feeling of glee because she was totally changed. She looked attractive and confident in comparison with the past time.
She thanked me for her valuable help. Since then, I have made it my habit to help all and sundry because when we help others, we get blessings and love and develop a good bond with others.
The future is unpredictable. We may also feel the need for the help of others, so if we do help now, then in future, they can also help us in our difficult times. So that was the time when I helped my friend.
Sample 2 Describe a Time when You Helped Someone
Indeed, I consider myself an altruistic person. I come from a state where individuals are known for helping nature. There is ample time when I help the individual. Here I would like to shed some light on a time when I helped a child walk down memory lane.
I vividly remember two years back, when I was in the ten standards, one day, I visited the gurudwara of my hometown, which was a stone thrown away from my house, with my father to pay obedience.
Besides this, suddenly, one orphan child came to me when I had to return. He was hardly seven years old. He started begging after seeing him in that condition. I fell down in the dumps at the drop of a hat. I visited the nearest restaurant in order to buy food for him. What is more, after having a meal, he was in seventh heaven.
Furthermore, the day was too hot, and he was without slippers. I also purchased a slipper for him. In addition, when I came to know from him that he never visited the school and used to sleep on the roads, I was on pins and needles.
I was also on the verge of tears and could not say anything. I was in tears and just hugged him tightly. Then I visited the nearest orphanage with him and decided to provide him with shelter and money to complete his education.
After his education, he earns bread and butter for himself and lives a lavish lifestyle despite begging for money from others .since now I meet him Every weekend, he thanks me.
Additionally, when I visited my abode, I told the whole story to my mother. She also felt proud as a peacock on me. Last but not least, she told me that after assisting another, one could take a blessing for another. To cut a long story short, that was when I aided the child in my life, and it was an electrifying experience for me ever.
Part 3 Questions Describe a Time when You Helped Someone
Question 1:- Do you like helping others?
Answer 1:- Yes, I like helping others. I love to help others if anybody requires money or doesn’t know the way, as well as help them in their study.
Answer 2:- Yes, offering a helping hand to the needy is a good thing; I am also one of those. As I said earlier, I am altruistic because after helping others, I feel inner gratification rather than squandering time on unwanted things.
Question 2:- Do you think people are less willing to help others these days compared to the past?
Answer 1:- Yes, nowadays, people are selfish and think it is foolish to help others, while in the past, people were accommodating. They had genuine feelings for their relationships. I believe modernization is more responsible for this transformation. People don’t help until they get a reward for it.
Answer 2:- Yes, because, in this contemporary epoch, every masses indulge in their work to cater to their needs and become selfish. However, I am not one of those who believe in helping others because my mother always told me god helps those who aid others.
Question 3:- Do people today trust others as much as they used to in the past?
Answer 1:- No, now people don’t trust others because others might have deceived them. Moreover, people usually win the trust of others, and they abruptly break it. So this thing doesn’t permit people to trust others. Besides, people are fickle-minded. They immediately change their opinion. They don’t stand by others in their difficult times.
Answer 2:- According to my perspective, I deem that Individuals don’t trust anymore nowadays on their near and dear ones as compared to the past, and their behaviour has become weird due to the excessive use of technology gizmos; however, prior one decade, dweller trust in each other and loves to live in a community.
Question 4:- How do people in your community help each other?
Answer 1:- Well, in my community, people are accommodating. If any person requires money, then they help others by giving money. So people borrow other things also. During the corona pandemic, people in my locality helped the infected persons by providing meals and motivating them not to feel alone.
Answer 2:- Without any second thought, there are a plethora of ways in which people assist each other in my society, such as sharing their things with loved ones because sharing is caring. Apart from this, individuals in my surroundings also provide financial support to underprivileged families for their necessities.
Question 5:- In your view, should children be taught to help others?
Answer 1:- Yes, children should be taught to help others because if they learn this thing in their childhood, they can run NGOs and do Charity works that are very beneficial for our society, so it is wise to nurture them with these kinds of traits.
Answer 2:- Obviously, children should be taught in alma mater to help others because it is an optimistic way to teach ethics and moral principles to the Student about life. Moreover, after helping others, one can also take blessings from others and feel confident, refreshed and rejuvenated.
Question 6:- In your opinion, how can we encourage children to help others?
Answer 1:- Well, we can encourage children to help others by telling some stories and setting themselves as an example.
Answer 2:- Well, there are a plethora of ways to assist others. The first and foremost is to give positive feedback and offer initiatives to them. Besides this, individuals should also depict sympathy towards needy ones in the community.
Question 7:- How can students, such as high-school students, help each other?
Answer 1:- Well, students learn this skill when any student remains absent for a few days. The next day, if he asks for health to do his pending work, then other students, instead of saying no, help him. This thing remains with them till they pass their tertiary education. Sometimes group projects also teach the students to help others because no one can do a project alone, so group projects are given to them so that they can become helpful, caring and supportive.
Answer 2:- Scholars also assist each other in various ways in their academy. As a student, I deem that Student exchanges their notes with their loved ones; moreover, sometimes learners who are not god-gifted students help them and take blessing from them.
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