Describe a Time when You Studied at A Friend’s Home

Describe a time when you studied at a friend’s home

  • When did you study?
  • Why did you study at your friend’s home?
  • How was the experience?
  • How did you feel about it?

Sample Answer of Describe a Time when You Studied at A Friend’s Home

Numerous times I used to go to study at my friend’s house because learning in a group makes me able to understand more. Here I will talk about a specific period when I went to study.

When I was pursuing my bachelor’s at that time, we had a project, and for that, we had to evaluate in a group, but it was leaving as a paying guest, so we chose to work in my best friend’s accommodation.

Everyone doesn’t have entire knowledge, so taunting tasks allocated to some work would be beneficial. Hence, in the same manner, we proceed, and it takes approx ten days to complete, and togetherness makes efficient results.


After completing the assignment, we delivered it to our faculty before the project deadline etc. Consequently, the faculty was so impressed by our work and gave appreciation in front of the whole, which turned my happiness and pride.

It was a great experience to work with my best friend as we shared our knowledge and expertise in order to execute the project.

Part 3 Questions Describe a Time when You Studied at A Friend’s Home

Question 1:- What are your views on friendship?

Answer – First and foremost thing is friendship lies in loyalty and purity. There should be no harmful waves such as jealousy or competence. Furthermore, Friends are those with whom we can share sad and happy faces. Apart from that, he or she will be there in the time of needy rather than make excuses during the tough time.

Question 2:- Do you believe that there are true friends who help in troubled times?

Answer – Yes, definitely nowadays, there are still such friends who always stand at the time of taunting tasks. For instance, my college friend is still connected with me, and as I call her at troubled times, she is always there for me by providing various solutions and accurate advice.

Question 3:- How do people befriend each other?

Answer – People make friends in order to support them at needy times. Another characteristic of a friend is to prevent isolation and loneliness. It boosts our sense of purpose. We like to spend time with friends and need to know more about them.

Question 4:- Do you study at a specific place at your home?

Answer – Well, it is not confirmed the exact place for studying; depends on the availability of space, and additionally, the atmosphere should be quiet and calm. So I used to study where I found a convenient place and could concentrate for the long term. I probably like to sit in my bedroom to focus on learning.

Question 5:- Can you study with distractions?

Answer – Nobody can concentrate while studying if they suffer from any disturbance surrounding the area. I because it cannot help to grasp the information. Apart from that, to achieve any task, people should concentrate only on one thing rather than keep interested in others’ work.

Question 6:- Do you visit a library to study?

Answer – Yes, when I came to know that today would not be able to work properly at home on a specific task, so at that time, I used to visit the library. Because a library is a quiet place, nobody allows to talk on that premises, so there will be pin-drop silence, so I would prefer to work in the library.

Question 7:- Do you prefer paperbacks or electronic books?

Answer – I like to read electronic books as I can read anytime and anywhere. We have to carry a cell phone, and whenever we get free can read it with the help of an electronic device. For instance, when travelling, people can utilize their time by reading books, so it benefits from doing both activities at one time.

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