Speaking Follow up Questions Describe a situation when you were not allowed to use cell phone
Question: What is the impact off the cell phone?
I believe cell phones have both positive and negative impact on our lives. Due to the cell phones we have instant access to information and also because of them we can connect with our loved one’s; anywhere, anytime. But at the same time if you think about the negative impacts cell phones have also become a great cause of stress in our lives.
Question: What is the Smartphone used the most for?
I think, nowadays the Smartphone’s are primarily used for accessing social networking applications such as whats app, face book and twitter etc. People also use them for Official and Entertainment purpose like checking office email or watching movies and playing games.
Question: What is your opinion about selfies?
I believe, selfies are one of the biggest trends of our century. People are not camera shy anymore and with the advent of front facing cameras on Smartphone’s they are taking selfies for every occasion and at every place they visit.
Question: What is the Smartphone used the most for?
I think, nowadays the Smartphone’s are primarily used for accessing social networking applications such as whats app, face book and twitter etc. People also use them for Official and Entertainment purpose like checking office email or watching movies and playing games.
Question: What is your opinion about selfies?
I believe, selfies are one of the biggest trends of our century. People are not camera shy anymore and with the advent of front facing cameras on Smartphone’s they are taking selfies for every occasion and at every place they visit.
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