Getting up early IELTS Speaking Part 1 Questions With Answer

Getting up early IELTS Speaking Part 1 Questions With Answer. These are the IELTS Speaking part 1 Topics and Questions on general topics about your life. Your answers will be from your life and experience.

Getting up early IELTS Speaking Part 1 Questions With Answer

Question 1:- Do you often get up early in the morning?

Answer 1:- Yes, I do get up early in the morning at 6 AM, and I also do some stretching and go for a walk every morning because I feel on over the moon.

Answer 2:- Yes, I have the habit of waking up early in the morning. I also go to the gym and have a proper workout to rejuvenate myself.

Question 2:- What do you usually do when you get up early?

Answer 1:- Well, a lot of things I have to do whenever I get up early in the morning. Most of the time, I always do some meditation along with exercise. Sometimes I leave for a walk. moreover, I think these kinds of activities I prefer to do when I wake up early in the morning.


Answer 2:- As I said before, I always have the habit of going to the gym and having the proper workouts.

Question 3:- What’s your morning routine?

Answer 1:- Well, my morning routine is according to my schedule, which I follow every day; most of the time, I prefer to wake up early in the morning at 6 AM and do some meditation for 15 minutes. After that prefer to go for a walk because it also gives me immense energy for surviving the day and fresh intake of air from the surroundings. After that, I take a shower and leave for the workplace at 9.

Answer 2:- After getting up in the morning, I go to the gym, come back and start with my work better to work in the morning so that we are fresh and active.

Question 4:- Is breakfast important to you?

Answer 1:- Well, breakfast is mandatory for a healthy lifestyle for every people because it is also considered a crucial aspect and much needed for day to day life. Because our body requires a lot of assets for getting wealthy, we have to do breakfast every morning. Moreover, I always prefer to eat vegetables along with fresh juice. It gives me a bundle of energy, and I feel positive and comfortable. Meanwhile, most of the diet I always prefer like proteins which contain a lot of nutrition.

Answer 2:- Breakfast is the essential food to have in the morning. I always have a healthy breakfast and make sure that I have a proper healthy balanced diet.

Question 5:- Do you get up early on weekends?

Answer 1:- Well, no, I usually don’t get up early at weekends because that day I almost consider a free day, and I am completely tension free. Afterwards, I usually prefer to complete the whole tiredness from the weekdays and take a long-lasting nap. But, on some sort of occasion, I wake early, like leaving for a vacations trip. That is my fav part.

Answer 2:- Not Really; if I have any plans, then wake up early in the morning. If I don’t have lance made out, then I would just relax and spend time for myself.

Question 6:- What kinds of people usually get up early? Why?

Answer 1:- Well, they are a lot of people who like to do a lot of things early in the morning in the term of teachers and employees who belong to a government department, and they always prefer to wake up early in the morning because they always are on a punctual time and manage their timeable .moreover they don’t want to spoil the reputation in the front of the managers. Furthermore, parents also prefer to wake up early and commence all the household chores and make an easier lifestyle for them।Aprt from them, in the term of senior citizens people they always prefer to get up early in the morning and also do some stretching and exercise acc to doctor advice.

Answer 2:- Most people who have worked have to get up early in the morning because only it motivates them to a good routine for the entire day and concentrate on the work which they are doing.

Question 7:- What are the benefits of getting up early?

Answer 1:- Well, there are tremendous benefits individuals can avail of when they get up early in the morning. First and the foremost season is that people feel more delightful and electrified when they wake up early .because they need meditation along with exercise, thus leading to gives an abundance of benefits for surviving the day. Moreover, it helps to make an immunity strong and live life without hassles. I think these kinds of things could be beneficial for the human body.

Answer 2:- There are so many advantages of getting up early in the morning mind. firstly our mind becomes so clean and clear that any work on time adds to that concentration on how to plan our day and execute the same as well

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1 thought on “Getting up early IELTS Speaking Part 1 Questions With Answer”

  1. yes, I used to get up early in the morning. I think early morning out of bed is one of the good way to complete your task of the day. I love to start my day with meditation and stretching.

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