Good News that You Received Through Phone Speaking Cue Card with Answer IELTS Exam

Good news that you received through phone speaking cue card with an answer

Well, madam, the telephone 📞 is ubiquitous nowadays, and it is the most common method of communication. I have received many pieces of news through the phone. Here, I am going to talk about a piece of news which I received last month. It was about my cousin’s wedding 🎉.

My uncle called and told me that Vaunt, my cousin’s wedding, has been fixed for May 21st. The best part of the news was that the marriage is to take place in India. You know, my uncle lives in America 🇺🇸. He moved to America with his family 5 years ago, and since then, he never came to India.

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I was so happy to hear the news that I jumped up with joy 😊. I am looking forward to this wedding. They are going to stay with us only. My cousin Vaunt is 4 years older than me, but we are very good friends 👫.


My parents have started making arrangements for the wedding. The marriage palace has been booked 🏰. The caterers have been booked 🍽️. Shopping for clothes has started 🛍️. I have also bought a Tshirt for myself.

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