In many countries, people do not recycle their rubbish as much as possible. Why do you think this is? What can be done to change this?
Sample 1 In Many Countries, People Do Not Recycle Teir Rubbish as Much as Possible: Writing Task 2
It is an irrefutable fact that garbage is tremendously growing due to the extensive usage of non-biodegradable products, which eventually leads to increased soil pollution. The dwellers are not recycling rubbish as they are supposed to, due to numerous reasons throughout the world. This exposition aims to put forth some of the key scenarios behind this demeanour, along with a few plausible solutions.
Analyzing the given assertion and elaborating further, individuals are unable to dispose of their waste appropriately as they are required to do. The first and foremost reason is the hectic schedule. They are always in a hurry and tend to forget most of the time to throw the garbage properly, and are least concerned regarding recycling. To exemplify, in numerous affluent societies, residents throw the waste in a commonplace in their vicinity. They are oblivious of where it is taken and recycled. Subsequently, there are no adequate garbage pits or disposal grounds in cosmopolitan regions, and people are disposing of rubbish even in public places. Hence, the lack of knowledge and swamped schedules are the pivotal reasons behind the rise in waste.
Probing ahead with the preventive measures, a plethora of modifications must be introduced in order to overcome this hurdle. To start with, copious recycling units must be established in each and every town on the basis of garbage generation and should be recycled at regular intervals. Furthermore, educational programs should be organized in schools, universities, and workplaces to educate individuals on the beneficial effects of recycling and the adverse side effects if ignored. In a similar fashion, the government must conduct awareness campaigns. They can impose fines if people do not follow the correct disposal procedures. Thus, by implementing these measures and practising them, achieving a clean environment is feasible.
Taking everything into consideration, because of the busy lifestyle and insufficient knowledge, individuals are unable to recycle their waste as they are required to. Therefore, with proper education, setting-up up recycling plants, and stern rules by local authorities, we can completely overcome this hurdle and make our earth an optimal place to reside.
Sample 1 In Many Countries, People Do Not Recycle Their Rubbish as Much as Possible: Writing Task 2
It is an indisputable fact that recycling has become a very crucial part of our daily lives in this modern day. In most nations, recycling is not done by most people as expected. This essay will explain why this is happening and also suggest some reasons to curb this behaviour.
In the first place, recycling materials are not available in our homes, and also, people are not educated on the need to recycle. Recycling materials that are not readily available in our homes are a major reason for the less involvement of people nowadays in the recycling act. It is seen that the recycling plants and the materials for recycling are situated in large factories without having some mini ones to be used in our various homes, which could help and make it easier to be done in our homes. Also, people do not have enough education on the need to recycle their waste products, and this is also a major reason why people do not participate in recycling their waste but rather dispose of it.
In curbing this act, there should be the availability of recycling materials readily made for home use, and this will make it easier and convenient for people to do their own recycling in their various homes. Also, people should be educated on the need to recycle their waste products which will make them love to indulge in the act of recycling.
In conclusion, lack of recycling materials in our homes and lack of education on recycling are the causes of less recycling practices whereby the provision of recycling materials at home and education on recycling can help prevent this practice.
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