Listening Test 9 Joining the Sports Centre the Students Will Have a Choice
Download the question paper and blank answer sheet before you start, and write your answers on the question paper while you are listening. Use a pencil.
Listen to the instructions for each section of the test carefully. Answer all of the questions.
There are 40 questions altogether. Each question carries one mark.
For each part of the test, there will be time for you to look through the questions and time for you to check your answers.
When you have completed all four parts of the Listening test you will have ten minutes to copy your answers on to a separate answer sheet.
IELTS Fever listening practice test 9 pdf
ANSWERS IELTS Fever listening practice test 9 pdf
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To be student member of Sports Centre you must be full time/part time at uni. + Students’ Union member. Come with NUS card to Sports Centre reception between 9.00am and 3.30pm from (15) __________ to Saturday. Present NUS card, fill out application form and pay subscription. Student subscription is (16) __________. Pay by cash or cheque; not credit cards. No photos necessary; (17) __________ at reception. Members can use the facilities at any time. Because of (18) __________ members must show membership card every time they come in. Replacement cards cost (19) __________. Members can book courts, not by phone, with membership cards. Opening Times (7 days a week) Monday to Saturday (20) __________ Sunday 9.00am to 6.00pm.
HE MEAGALODON (Carcharadon Megalodon) – the largest predator that ever lived on Earth Size
* 12 m + (possibly up to 15m or 31m)
* About 3 X length of Great White Shark (estimates from fossilized teeth + vertebrae) Teeth
* Size of (31) _________________
* Very hard and fossilised well unlike all other parts of sharks’ cartilage skeletons
* Bone-like material coated with (32) _________________
* Like Great White Shark teeth but bigger, thicker + more finely serrated Appearance
* Possibly like a huge, streamlined Great White Shark Jaws
* Open (33) _________________ wide and 7 feet high; could swallow enormous objects
* Loosely attached by ligaments and muscles to the skull
* Teeth probably located in rotating rows
* First two rows of teeth for (34) _________________, others rotate into place as needed
* Lost, broken or worn teeth replaced by new ones
* Did not chew food; gulped whole large chunks Diet
* Mainly whales.
* Sharks eat approx. (35) _________________ of body weight daily
* Remains of whales with (36) _________________ indicate predator-prey relation.
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