Maintaining public libraries is a waste of money since computer technology can replace their functions. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
For centuries libraries have been in the service of man. These libraries are the repositories of never-ending knowledge known as books. Some people opine that we can do away with traditional libraries because technology has given us the facility of virtual or online libraries. I, however, believe that even though technology has reduced our need to go to libraries, our traditional libraries can never become redundant.
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With the advent of new technologies in the field of computers and telecommunications, revolutionary changes have taken place in the field of Library and Information Science. The shape of traditional libraries containing a large number of printed documents is in the process of being transformed to paper less libraries containing a large number of digitized documents. The facilities offered by networking have not left libraries untouched. Modern libraries are not only digitized but networked also. This has led to the creation of virtual libraries i.e. libraries without walls through which the user has access to information at anytime, anywhere in the world by using modern tools of communication, such as computers and Internet facilities.
However, one should keep in mind that a person goes to a library not only to search and get information from books but also to sit and study there. The ambience and the peaceful and scholarly atmosphere of the library help one to concentrate more on one’s work and study. Thus, libraries will never become redundant. They will always be there to indicate the presence of a well-read and educated society.
Another important point is that it is very difficult to always read books from the computer monitor. Traditional books can be issued from the library and read in the comfort of your bed. Virtual libraries can be accessed only by those who are computer literate. The access to virtual libraries can be affected by power cuts and network failures. Moreover, in a traditional library, you are guided by the librarians if you need any help in searching for the book.
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To put it in a nutshell, I pen down saying that advancement should be welcomed in every field but the importance of the libraries for their fundamental role cannot be put aside. This tendency will add more crowns of success to the importance of libraries.