Talk about some one who have done something to protect environment

Talk about someone who has done something to protect the environment You should say: Who is he/she? How do you know them? What efforts he/she makes for the environment? Sample 1:- It is quite evident that the Degradation of an environment is getting grimmer day by day. And many persons have been putting the contribution

Talk about some one who have done something to protect environment Read More »

Smokers can cause themselves serious health problems. The choice to smoke is made freely and with knowledge of dangers. Smokers should, therefore, expect to pay more for medical treatment than non- smokers. To what extent do you agree with this statement?

Smokers can cause themselves serious health problems. The choice to smoke is made freely and with knowledge of dangers. Smokers should, therefore, expect to pay more for medical treatment than non- smokers. To what extent do you agree with this statement? In today’s world, every human being has own rights through which person has a

Smokers can cause themselves serious health problems. The choice to smoke is made freely and with knowledge of dangers. Smokers should, therefore, expect to pay more for medical treatment than non- smokers. To what extent do you agree with this statement? Read More »

Some people think that there should be strict laws to control the amount of noise a person makes because of the disturbance it causes to people.

Some people think that there should be strict laws to control the amount of noise a person makes because of the disturbance it causes to people. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages. Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. Laws have been making by the public sector for the

Some people think that there should be strict laws to control the amount of noise a person makes because of the disturbance it causes to people. Read More »

Some people think that there should be strict laws to control the amount of noise a person makes because to people.

Some people think that there should be strict laws to control the amount

Some people think that there should be strict laws to control the amount of noise a person makes because to people. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages. Laws have been making by the public sector for the smooth running of a nation. a camp of society believes that noise ought to be controlled by making some solid

Some people think that there should be strict laws to control the amount of noise a person makes because to people. Read More »

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