Law which is good ielts speaking cue card with answer IELTS EXAM

Law which is good ielts speaking cue card with the answer there are many laws implemented by the constitution of our country for the smooth running of the life of people in society state and the nation without these laws, the life of the people could be indulged into utter chaos.The law about which I […]

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Changes in Your Life IELTS Speaking Cue Card with Answer IELTS EXAM

Changes in Your Life IELTS Speaking Cue Card with Answer

Changes in your life IELTS speaking cue card with the answer What are the changes? Why do you take it? What are the benefits of this? How did you feel after making changes? Change is the law of nature; everyone and everything changes with the passage of time ⏳. Some changes may be positive 😊,

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Favourite Restaurant Speaking Cue card with answer for students IELTS EXAM

Favourite Restaurant Speaking Cue card with answer for students

Favourite Restaurant Speaking Cue card with answer for students Or Talk about your favorite eating place/hotel you have visited.  Or talk about your favorite restaurant. Or talk about a place where you love to hang out.  You should say: Which is it? Where is it? When do you normally go? Why do you like it? Well, I belong to

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