Recent IELTS Speaking Part 1 Questions With Answers: Technology

Recent IELTS Speaking Part 1 Questions With Answers: Technology. These are the IELTS Speaking part 1 Topics and Questions on general topics about your life. Your answers will be from your life and experience.

Recent IELTS Speaking Part 1 Questions With Answers: Technology

Question 1:- What are the benefits of using technology?

Answer – In my opinion, two are the most important perks. Modern devices such as computers, tablets and smart watches allow you to be everywhere, even lying in the comfort of your couch. In other terms, if you have to go shopping, you will no longer need to come over to physical retailers, but you can order whatever you want on Amazon or eBay without moving a step. In addition to this, technology can be of great support in case of health problems. Indeed, technological devices are nowadays connected directly to the emergency room, and if something happens, especially to the elderly population, doctors and nurses are immediately advised.

Question 2:- Do you like to use new technology?

Answer – Sure, I do. Especially if I have to work from home, workers can operate precisely the same way they would if they were in the workplace. Furthermore, I use it to purchase many items, and this is so funny because I can compare prices and see the clients’ feedback and ratings on products. All these activities are really thrilling for me, and I would spend a busman’s holiday doing this.

Question 3:- What technology do you often use, computers or cell phones?

Answer – That’s a hard question. But if I have to tell the truth, I am one of those computer-addicted users. I don’t think mobile phones can replace the old computer tower. I think it is more stable and performant than cellulars, and, for this motivation, I prefer to use them.


Question 4:- What electronic devices have you bought lately?

Answer – Last month, I purchased Alexa, the ultimate artificial intelligence tool that can respond to whatever demand users are going to propose to it. Furthermore, in the last ten days, I also had the chance to buy a new smartwatch to help me track my improvements while running.

Question 5:- Is there any technology you want to buy?

Answer – At the moment, I would like to buy the Play Station 5 digital edition. Its technology is simply unique. By wearing a Virtual Reality device, you will be able to deal with other players in the Meta universe. That is why I am literally craving to buy it.

Question 6:- Is technology important in your life?

Answer – Well, let’s put it this way. I would feel completely lost without it. Technological devices have always helped me in the organization of my study, work and personal experiences. Thus, it is absolutely crucial in my life.

Question 7:- Is there any technology you don’t like?

Answer – Well, that is a complex question. Let me have some moments to reflect on it…. I would say that VR devices are definitely not on my preference list. This is because I think it might be too intrusive and violate my privacy somehow. Although it can provide a significant number of advantages to those who use it, the simple idea of showing other users where I live and what exactly I am doing would literally drive me nuts.

Question 8:- What do you think are the trends in technology today compared to when you were young?

Answer – Digital devices are spreading faster and faster nowadays, and juveniles use them more often than 30 years ago. At the beginning of the new millennium, though the internet already existed, it did not have so much success. People used it to have some information and nothing more. With the development of social networks and the consequent web 2.0 revolution, over 1 billion people decided to exploit this incredible innovation. I believe this trend will proportionally soar with the increment of the world population even in the future.

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2 thoughts on “Recent IELTS Speaking Part 1 Questions With Answers: Technology”

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