Some people say it is more important to plant trees in the open spaces in towns and cities than to build more housing. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
In the technology-driven world, people do not have time to validate botanical diversity in our country, which helps us to be secure our life; however, most individuals follow up the plan and engineer to the modern towns. It is essential and unavoidable that we required the townships to live, but we inevitably do not have a tomorrow without plant assortments. This situation has both pros as well as cons but, definitely, merits outweigh the demerits. Initially, the variety of plants and trees always helps us to for the air filtration. They always purify the air and reduce the contents of antioxidants. Carbon dioxides are the essential ingredient for growing up plants and trees. Plants will reduce the carbon dioxide from nature because they extract it from nature and exhale oxygen, which is mandatory for humans.
Secondly, in the case of the ozone layer, the ultimate prevention is plants and trees. The studies show that the ozone layer holes became much wider than in previous years and the only prevention help getting from the plants. Here is the importance of planting trees in the open spaces rather than building more housing. Finally, the range of plants and other vegetables is always in our daily diet. The vitamin and protein contents included in these we cannot get from any other ingredients. The medical practitioners also remembering the importance of these contents in our diet.
On the other hand, creating cities makes numerous social disturbances for all individuals. Firstly, creating cities required a lack of investments and support from entire corners. Once all these engagements did not keep their level, they will cause several other nuisances like floods, drainage problems, and diseases. They change the face of nature with chaos. In addition, for making housing, we have to clear the entire level of land moreover we have to cut down the trees and plants. These create harmful effects. As a matter of fact, without doubt, the trees and plants help to elaborate our multiplicity. These incredible outcome helps us to move forward without hesitation.
In conclusion, it is our responsibility to keep our botanical assortment as we received from our ancestors. Of course, apartments and other living facilities are inescapable but for that do not destitute nature.
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