ielts test dates

Multinational Companies and Their Products Are Becoming More and More Important

Multinational Companies and Their Products Are Becoming More and More Important

Write about the following topic: In most countries, multinational companies and their products are becoming more and more important. This trend is seriously damaging our quality of life. Do you agree or disagree? Write at least 250 words. Sample 1 Multinational Companies and Their Products Are Becoming More and More Important In many nations, global firms and […]

Multinational Companies and Their Products Are Becoming More and More Important Read More »

Writting Tast 2( example 31) Modern lifestyles mean that many parents have little time for their children.

Writting Tast 2( example 31) Modern lifestyles mean that many parents have little time for their children.

Modern lifestyles You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. Write about the following topic: Modern lifestyles mean that many parents have little time for their children. Many children suffer because they do not get as much attention from their parents as children did in the past. Do you agree or disagree? Write at

Writting Tast 2( example 31) Modern lifestyles mean that many parents have little time for their children. Read More »

Writting Tast 2( Example 31) Computers to Be More of A Hindrance than A Help

Writting Tast 2( example 31) computers to be more of a hindrance than a help

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. Write about the following topic: Some people consider computers to be more of a hindrance than a help. Others believe that they have greatly increased human potential. How could computers be considered a hindrance? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own

Writting Tast 2( Example 31) Computers to Be More of A Hindrance than A Help Read More »

Writting Tast 2( example 27) Do you believe that societies ought to enforce capital punishment or Are there alternative forms of punishment that would be better used?

Writting Tast 2( example 27) Do you believe that societies ought to enforce capital punishment or Are there alternative forms of punishment that would be better used?

“Do you believe that societies ought to enforce capital punishment or Are there alternative forms of punishment that would be better used?” [shc_shortcode class=”shc_mybox”] Capital punishment is the killing of a criminal for a crime that he has committed. Previously most countries employed this method of punishment but nowadays it is much less widely used.

Writting Tast 2( example 27) Do you believe that societies ought to enforce capital punishment or Are there alternative forms of punishment that would be better used? Read More »

TIP (6) WRITTING TASK( 2 ) How To Writing the Conclusion

TIP (6) WRITTING TASK( 2 ) How To Writing the Conclusion

IELTS – Writing Task 2 Writing the Conclusion Look at the three alternative conclusions to the essay title below and identify the best. Through recent medical advances we now have the capacity to determine the characteristics of unborn babies, produce clones, transplant animal organs to humans, as well as prolong life. Such technology is unethical,

TIP (6) WRITTING TASK( 2 ) How To Writing the Conclusion Read More »

Writting Tast 2( example 25)Tourism is becoming increasingly important as a source of revenue to many countries but its disadvantages should not be overlooked.

Present a written argument or case to an educated non-specialist audience on the following topic: Tourism is becoming increasingly important as a source of revenue to many countries but its disadvantages should not be overlooked. You should use your own ideas, knowledge and experience and support your arguments with examples and relevant evidence [shc_shortcode class=”shc_mybox”]Faster

Writting Tast 2( example 25)Tourism is becoming increasingly important as a source of revenue to many countries but its disadvantages should not be overlooked. Read More »

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