Talk About an Occasion When You Were Forced to Change Your Plans Because of the Weather.

Talk about an occasion when you were forced to change your plans because of the weather. Please say

– When did this happen?
– What kind of weather was it?
– Explain why you had to change your plans.

Sample Answer: Talk About an Occasion When You Were Forced to Change Your Plans Because of the Weather.

When did this happen?

I vividly remember that when I was going to meet my friend who had come from overseas, out of the blue, I had to change my plan as it had heavy rain on that day.

Actually, I had made this plan a week earlier; but, I was unaware of the bad weather. Although my mother told me that the weather was going to harsh, I didn’t pay attention and promised to meet my friend. I was so excited that I could not wait anymore.

What kind of weather was it?                    Facebook IELTSFever 

As I was coming from my workplace and purchased a beautiful present for her. The sky was overcast but warm. So I didn’t change my plan. As I took a step out of my home, the rain started to fall. I waited for a long, but it didn’t stop, and it spoiled my mood.

Explain why you had to change your plans.

That time I was under the sky, and I felt apologized to my friend for not making the day. So that was the day when the weather changed my plan.

This is the end of the cue card: Talk about an occasion when you were forced to change your plans because of the weather.

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