Talk about an unusual meal
When did you eat it
Where did you eat it?
With whom you had the meal?
Food is one of the basic necessities of a person and one cannot live without it. for better health and to live a healthy life, one has to eat nutritious food. Everyone knows that in childhood. children are not much worried about their meal. They mostly like candies, chocolates, which are high in sugar, calories, fat but low in protein.
I also found of these eatable. but my mother has always worried about my health. One day my mother make a dish it was reddish and offwhite in color, some dry fruits are also added to it. when I tasted it, it was really very delicious. From that day I forgot to eat candies and chocolates. My mother also prepared to carry with me to school. My friends also asked about it but I was not aware of its recipe.
One day I watched from the window when my mother was cooking it. I saw that she took some carrots, khoa made from milk, some dry fruits. That day I realize that my mother prepared it for keeping in view my health. It is a highly nutritious food made from vegetables and milk. Now I am married but still eat this dish made by my mother. My wife also learns the recipe for this dish from my mother and now my son eats it with love.
Follow Ups
Q-1 Why do people buy foreign food?
Ans: in this world of modernization people are too busy with their work that they prefer to buy foreign readymade food instead of cooking it at home. moreover, they follow the western culture and like to buy a large variety of fast foods available in the market.
Q-2 Why are humans facing food shortage? Propose a solution.
Ans: a large number of people are facing the shortage of food in my has some reasons. the first and foremost reason is people have forgotten the importance of food.a large quantity of food is wasted in parties and functions instead of giving it to the poor and needy people. the important solution is people should understand the importance of food and used it in a right way.
Q-3 Do you think having dinner at home is a good idea?
Ans: yes definitely dinner at home with family is a good idea. by doing this family bonding would be strong because all members would get a chance to meet at one place.they would not only enjoy the food but share their problems and happiness with each other.this would remove loneliness from their life and could live like a unit.
Gagandeep Singh Kahlon
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Talk about an unusual meal speaking cue card IELTS exam Talk about an unusual meal speaking cue card IELTS exam Talk about an unusual meal speaking cue card IELTS exam Talk about an unusual meal speaking cue card IELTS exam
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