Talk about something important that has been kept in your family for a long time.
- What is it,
- When your family had it,
- How your family got it,
- why it is important for your family
Sample Answer of Talk About Something Important That Has Been Kept in Your Family for a Long Time
The thing I am going to talk about, which has been with my family for more than two decades, is the historical book Ramayana which is originally known as Ramcharitramanas. It is written by Valmiki, who has portrayed the figure of Lord Ram and Sita, who were sentenced to exile for a period of 14 years, and their journey of exile, which had a plethora of hardships and obstacles.
During this time, Goddess Sita was kidnapped by Ravana, who is worshipped in Sri-lanka and was considered to be the most knowledgeable man to have existed on earth. When we were young, my mother had got some chance to read this book, although we had watched this as a show on television.
She ordered one copy from a book store near to our house. She started reading this book during the second Navaratri’s. She used to read those lessons in the presence of my brother and me to impart good learnings and how to be kind and avoid greed. It is important in my family as we are Hindus, and this culture has a lot of stories to talk about and learn from.
Lord Rama is worshiped in the entire part of India. The values and teachings that we learn from these books hold importance in my family. My family truly believes that we as humans should inculcate the values learned in our Life. One should never take advantage of others and encourage Love over hate, Spread happiness over sadness and Be kind to all.
Follow ups Talk About Something Important That Has Been Kept in Your Family for a Long Time
Question 1. Which do you think are better, old things or new things?
Answer – I consider both have equal importance, For me, old things bring memories along with them, and new things show the Life we wish to pursue. With new things come new lessons.
Question 2. What are some other things that people keep in their family for a long time?
Answer – People like to keep their family photographs for a long period of time. It is one such way that we can recall all the memories spent together. In the hustle-bustle of life, we hardly get an opportunity to meet everyone in the family or to go out for a vacation with them. Keeping photographs near makes us feel their presence.
Question 3. In your culture, what sorts of things do people often pass down from generation to generation? (Why?)
Answer – In our culture, People generally inherit property from one generation to another and other financial resources. Also, the businesses are passed on to the next generation as a business is immortal. And another thing I would like to mention is when people get married, and a new person is welcomed in the family, they often get the ancestor’s jewelry which was kept for a long time.
Question 4. Why do you think people keep these things?
Answer – These things hold a lot of money value along them and cannot be given away as charity, and also these things become useful resources for the future generation. These materialistic things come with a huge cost involved which also reflects the amount of hardworking the earlier generation would have done to obtain them.
Question 5. What are the benefits (= what is the value/what is the importance) of keeping some old things in the family?
Answer – The benefits of keeping old items are immense, Life, for instance, The stove that we use now is being replaced as a new fashion trend, and traditional stoves are making their way again into the market. Having something uniques and old which is nowhere found can also be sent to the museum and given to the government for preservation.
Question 6. Do you think it’s good to recall the past?
Answer – I believe it’s a 50-50 thing for me. I love to recall the past for the mistakes I have made then and to make myself more aware of the lessons I learned. I don’t like to recall the past for the valuable things, people I have lost in this lifetime, as it makes me sad and nostalgic.
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