Talk about an interesting talk or lecture

Talk about an interesting talk or lecture

You should say:

When did you hear?

Who gave this lecture?

What was the topic?


Talk about an interesting talk or lecture

Sample 1:-

Well, I have listened to a number of lectures and speeches of various persons. But here I would like to talk about a person who had impressed me with his talk. His name is John Drill. This lecture was relating to the degradation of the environment.

Although I belong to a small village, It is a miniature developing village which includes modern facilities such as a dispensary, school, bank and so on.

In my village, a human being named John Drill who has been working to protect the environment. Mr. John has established a youth club that works for my village such as cleaning all the allies, solve problems of villagers, helping to poverty-stricken people with money and so on. Mr. John is a leader of that youth club.

About three months ago, Mr. John had organized an awareness programme for villagers in order to aware them about the deformation of an environment and solution to defend it. I went over there with my mother.

He invited all the people to come over there in this programme. On that day, the programme started with a lecture of Mr. John on Solutions to secure the environment at 10:30 AM. Each and every villager was listening to him very patiently and calmly.

Mr. John told that earth is our home and we are being unwise by degenerating it. If the earth will vanish, then, all individuals will terminate. He explains it very well to villagers. He leaves a profound impact on their minds. He requested manpower to grow more and more plants because trees are a cause of life on the earth and it is our duty to do it.

At the end of this awareness programme, Youth club distributed plants to every person to grow in their homes. By seeing all these things, I was so astounded by Mr.John’s work for the protection of the environment.

All in all, Mr.John gave an interesting lecture on the environmental awareness program.

Sample 2:-

Well, I had attended lots of lectures during my college time, internship and in whole life. All the lectures were about different subjects or topics. Today, I have asked to speak about an interesting lecture. So, I would like to talk about a lecture that I had heard with full of interest. Also, from which I learned a lot.

In my college time, Mr. Vikaas Mittal came to our college and gave a lecture about student’s mentality during college life for their future. He told that in college life only 20 percent of students actually knows that what will they do in their future. He also told about the remaining 80 percent of students and said that remaining 30 percent want their future bright. But, they don’t know how they will do it. On the other hand, he said that the other 50 percent are those who never plan their future just enjoy their present era.

After all the discussion, he said from these 3 types of students, only 2 types of students will get success in their life that is 20 percent and 50 percent. I was shocked when I heard because I was a student from 30 percent who are confused about their future. Then, he described the reason behind it that “only those people get success who are willing to make decisions about what they have to do or not”. After this, I totally understood what he wanted to say and I decided to make my goals and did hard work for them. I must say, just because of that lecture, now, I am a successful businessman. I grateful to him that I have today.


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