The Charts Illustrate how Recycling Is Carried out In Eutopia: AC Writing Task 1

The charts illustrate how recycling is carried out in Eutopia, and the pie charts show the percentage of recycled and unrecycled waste.

The charts illustrate how recycling is carried out in Eutopia, and the pie charts show the percentage of recycled and unrecycled waste.

The bar chart illustrates the procedure of conveying the reuse of waste, and the pie chart depicts the total proportion of the reclaim of recycled waste in Utopia over 20 years.

Overall it is immediately apparent from the chart that the maximum number of squanders were carried out in two ways, collecting the garbage from home and people dumping their garbage at the recycling station, while the amount of unrecycled garbage was at its peak in the initial year.

In detail, The lavish waste was collected from a dustbin at home with shares at 73 8% in 1980, but this number declined by 3% after ten years and continuously plummeted to 72% in 2000. following this, 12% of waste was brought by people to the treatment plant in 1980, but this ratio surged and conveyed a total of 18% garbage in 1990. surprisingly this amount moved out at from 73% and hit the line of 90% in 2000. moreover, only 7% of the ratio of garbage recycled with the method of return to supplier or manufacturer and this number downgraded at 5% in 1990. fortunately, this amounting covered 8% of the garbage that got recycled this way. Therefore, only 3% of waste got reclaimed with another method in 1980 and after 20 years this amount reduced to 2% in 2000.

Furthermore, the highest number of garbage was recycled at 93 people in 1980, but this trend turned negative, and value plunged to 78% in 1990 and declined by 11% in the final year, but in terms of recycled the garbage started from 7% in the first year, it is interesting to note that 22% of waste reclaimed in 1990 this number reached at 33% in 2000.

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