The Diagram Below Shows how The Australian Bureau of Meteorology Collects Up-To-The-Minute Weather

The diagram below shows how the Australian Bureau of Meteorology collects up-to-the-minute weather information to produce reliable forecasts. Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information shown below.

The diagram below shows how the Australian Bureau of Meteorology collects up-to-the-minute information

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The report is derived from a diagram illustrating the different algorithms used for reliable weather forecasting by the Australian Bureau of Meteorology.

Overall, as per the diagram, there are mainly three stages: data collection, Data analysis, and data broadcasting. It is clearly seen that weather prediction depends on three various types of data transmission.

Turning to the details, firstly, weather information is collected from space, land, and ocean captured by satellite, radar, and drifting buoys, respectively. After that, images from the satellite are analysed while signals from the radar are monitored by radar screen, and a synoptic chart is prepared from information through drifting buoy. Subsequently, all data were analysed and made ready for transmission. Ultimately, all data is transmitted publicly on television, radio frequency, and telex.

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The chart depicts the information on how a bureau of meteorology in Australia collects up-to-the-minute information in other to give accurate weather forecasts.

Overall, It is apparent that the process involves four stages in general. Namely, the incoming information, analysing and forecasting, and preparing the broadcast and broadcast.

To begin with, the most important stage is how the information is collected and generated before broadcasting. The satellite, radar and drifting buoy are the major sources of weather information. Then the satellite report is analysed and forecasted on a satellite photo, similarly to if the drifting buoy is also chatted on a synoptic chart. At the same time, incoming information from the radar is being analysed and forecasted on a radar screen.

Moving onto the stage where the information is prepared and broadcasted. The information from different sources ( satellite, radar, drifting buoy) is then received and prepared on a central computer connected to these diverse sources. The information on this computer is conveyed via tv through a tv newsreader, radio and a recorded announcement.

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