The Graph Below Shows the Weekday Volume of Passenger Activity on The Toronto Metro System for July 2007

The graph below shows the weekday volume of passenger activity on the Toronto Metro system for July 2007. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

The graph below shows the weekday volume of passenger activity on the Toronto Metro system for July 2007

Sample 1 The Graph Below Shows the Weekday Volume of Passenger Activity on The Toronto Metro System for July 2007

The line graph illustrates the information on traveller time on the Toronto Metro system in July 2007 from Monday to Friday. The data is measured in the thousands.

Overall, the maximum number of passengers travelled at 8 Am and 6 Pm on these days, and the minimum was in the morning at 6. Also, While other times the ratio fluctuated during the period.

To begin with, 100 thousand people travelled at 6 in the morning, and the ratio increased gradually till 400 thousand at 8 Am. after that, it declined drastically in the next two hours and reached 200 thousand.

Shifting towards the next hours of the diagram, after 10 Am, there was a fluctuation in the number of passengers until around 2 o’clock, and it still dwindled to more than 2 million in the evening at 4. It reached the same position where they are in morning 6. However, it soared again in the evening and reached 4 million at 6 pm. Finally, it ended at 120 thousand at 10 pm.

Sample 2 The Graph Below Shows the Weekday Volume of Passenger Activity on The Toronto Metro System for July 2007

The graph shows information about the passenger activity on Toronto metro systems for a week in July 2007. The x-axis of the graph shows different hours of the day while the y-axis gives the number of passengers in thousands.

According to the given data, the metro systems start at 6 in the morning with 100 thousand people. As the day moved forward, the numbers increased rapidly and around 8’o clock in the morning, it went up to the peak of 400 thousand people, and the volume decreased at 10:00 am from 400 to 200 thousand people.

Moving ahead, it went up to in the middle of the day and maintained the same number till 2:00 pm in the afternoon around 300 thousand people then it is going down in number as same as 6 in the morning and when the evening starts the number skyrocketed and moves to near about 400 thousand people at 6 in the evening and after that it going down and down till ten at night.

Overall, the peak of the subway system is 8 in the morning and 6 in the evening. At the same time, the x-axis of the graph went down at the start of the day in the middle of the day, around 4:00 pm in the evening.

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