The Maps Below Show University Sports Courts in 1990 and Now. Summarise the Information by Selecting and Reporting the Main Features, and Make Comparisons Where Relevant.
Sample Answer: The Maps Below Show University Sports Courts in 1990 and Now
The two diagrams illustrate how university fields changed between 1990 and the current year.
Overall, infrastructure has developed considerably over the years, and the university sports courts have been transformed from an old version to a new modern version. In contrast, the cafeteria and reception buildings have remained unchanged for more than thirty years.
In 1990, the western campus of the sports playing fields was occupied by a car park, followed by a tree park. These areas were consecutively converted into tennis and basketball courts in recent years.
However, two tennis courts were initially built in the southeastern part of the map in 1990 before expanding to four courts this year.
One of the best changes this year was the reconstruction of the pool from outdoor to indoor in the northern part of the campus. Additionally, a new fitness centre was built beside the changing rooms in the southern zone, an area previously occupied by tennis courts in 1990.
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