The Pie Charts Show the Main Reasons for Migration to And from The Uk in 2007.

The pie charts show the main reasons for migration to and from the UK in 2007.

Sample Question for The Pie Charts Show the Main Reasons for Migration to And from The Uk in 2007.

The pie charts show the main reasons for migration to and from the UK in 2007

The Pie chart shows the information reasons for people migrating to and from the UK in 2007. At a Glance, it is seen that the main reason behind the movement in and out of the UK was the Definite job.

The first chart shows a few reasons people come to the UK and settle down. Most people came to the UK for a definite job which is 30%, and the second highest is for formal study, which is 26%. Almost 15% of people came to join the family, and 12% looked for work in the UK. 6% of people do not state the reason, and 11% have other reasons.

Moving ahead, the massive margin of people out from the country for a definite job is almost 29%, and the second big reason to leave the country is looking for work in other countries which was 22%. Moving further, only 4% of people are out from the UK to get a formal study, and 14% of people have other reasons. Almost 18% of people were out of the country without any reason stated, while 13% joined their family.

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