Most useful synonyms used in IELTS writing and speaking part-4
Most useful synonyms used in IELTS writing and speaking part-4
Quarrel |
Fight, Conflict, Argument, Match, Disagree, Dispute, wrangle. |
Queer |
Stange, curious, peculiar, unexpected, atypical, unusual, Odd, giddy, faint. |
Quiet |
Muted, silent, whist, peaceful, hushful, noiseless, tranquil. |
Quit |
Leave, vacate,Exit, depart, Get off, Drop out, resign. |
Quack |
Confidence trickster, impostor, rogue, villiain. |
Quadrilateral |
Multilateral, many-sided, four-sided, tetragon. |
Quadruped |
Flank, Rump, forefoot, loin, four-footed, croupe. |
Quaff |
Swallow, Guzzle, attack, down, Take, Imbibe, consume. |
Quagmire |
Swamp, marsh, Bog, muddle, predicament, tangle, confusion. |
Quaint |
Unusual, attractive, curious, fanciful, unfamiliar. |
Qualified |
Competent, graduate, adept, skilled, succeed, experienced. |
Qualify |
Certify, enable, entitle, empower, condition. |
Qualm |
Misgiving, doubt, worry, reservation, concern, unease. |
Qualitative |
Approximate, dependent, subjective, conditional, partial, dependent. |
Quandary |
Trouble, pickle, predicament, stalemate, plight, predicament. |
Quantative |
Significant, calcuable, perceptible,quantifible. |
Quotation |
Citation, quote, reference, mention, allusion, excerpt, extract, selection, passage. |
Quantum |
Measure, portion, unit, sum, amount, total. |
Quorum |
Attendance, majority, organization, assemblage, covention, congress. |
Quarantine |
Seclusion, separation,segregation,sequestration. |
Quarry |
Prey, the victim, object, Aim, quest, chase. |
Quash |
Cancel, reverse, repeal, retract, disallow, overturn, repudiate. |
Quay |
Dock, pier, berth, levee, landing, jetty. |
Queasy |
Bilious, train stick, rough, awful, terrible, dread. |
Quell |
Conquer, Crush, silence, queer, vanquish. |
Quench |
Destroy, extinguish, moisten, demolish, destruct. |
Query |
Enquiry, doubt, ask, question, uncertainly, question. |
Quest |
Search, hunt, Adventure, inquiry, probe, research, investigation. |
Queue |
Line, row, chain, series, sequence, stream. |
Quibble |
Niggle, prevarication, dodge, dublicity, evasion, pretense, nicety. |
Quip |
Joke, funny, banter, repartee, pleasantry, offense. |
Quirk |
Foible, notion, crotchet, trait, caprice, vagary. |
Rage |
Fury, Wrath, frenzy, craze. |
Raise |
Lift, stir up, incite, increase. |
Raze |
Demolish, destroy, level, obliterate. |
Recover |
Retrieve, reclaim, repossess, redeem, revive, recapture, salvage, regain, recuperate. |
Regard |
respect, esteem, consider, note, reckon,evaluate,treat. |
Release |
Free, liberate, relinquish, give out, Ransome, emancipate. |
Reliable |
Responsible, trustworthy, dependable, authentic, valid, genuine. |
Rescue |
Liberate, set free, deliver, save. |
Rigid |
Stiff,strict,inflexible,unyielding,hard, inelastic, unchangeable, invariable. |
Rival |
Competitor,oponent,contender,antagonist, Contestant, challenger. |
Rude |
Barbaric,uncivil,insolent,discourteous, impolite, insolent, ill-mannered. |
Ruin |
Destruction, downfall, wreck, perdition, decay, disrepair, decrepitude. |
Sacred |
Holy, consecrated, sanctified, sacrosanct, blessed, blest, dedicated, devotional. |
Savage |
Wild, rude, barbarous, uncivilized, terrible, awful, beast, brute, demon. |
Scorn |
Contempt,despise,disdain, derision, mockery. |
Seize |
Grasp,capture,arrest,confiscent, grap, snatch, grip, clutch. |
Soothe |
Quit,assuage,console,comfort, calm, pacify, subdue. |
Splendid |
Gorgeous,glorious,magnificent,resplendent, grand, impressive, superb, luxurious. |
Spurious |
False, counterfeit, shame, bogus, fake, mock, spacious. |
Strange |
Odd,queer,unusual,unfamiliar, unexpected, curious, anomalous. |
Strife |
Contention,rivalry,discord,dispute, conflict, disagreement,variance, argument. |
Struggle |
Fight,battle,strive,endeavour, grapple, wrestle, suffle. |
Summit |
Top, apex, peak, zenith, mountain, top, crown, climax. |
Target |
Aim,goal,object,mark, quarry. |
Teach |
Instruct,guide,train,educate, prepare. |
Tedious |
Dull, boring, wear some, monotonous, unexciting, uninteresting, mindless. |
Timid |
Coward, shy, diffident, timorous, scared, afraid, frightened, fearful. |
Tremendous |
Huge, colossal, stupendous, enormous, immense, vast. |
Trust |
Faith, belief, reliance, confidence, assurance, certainty. |
Transient |
Momentary, brief, passing, not lasting, temporary, short. |
Understanding |
Insight,perception,discernment,comprehension, grasp, grip, ken. |
Unique |
Singular,matchless,unprecedented, distinctive, special, especial. |
Uphold |
Approve, support, maintain, champion, protect, keep, validate, sustain. |
Uproar |
Tumult, hubbub, bedlam, compulsion, yearning. |
Urge |
Exhort, press, plead, solicit, indeterminate, inexact, rough. |
Vague |
Unclear,obscure,indefinite,indistinct, disperse, depart, leave. |
Vanish |
Disappear, fade out, dissolve, evaporate, exit, be lost. |
Venture |
Dare,risk,hazard,undertake, offer, presume, proffer. |
Vice |
Wickedness, sin, frailty, degradation, wrongdoing, dissolution, badness. |
Victory |
Conquest, triumph, success, winning, gain, achievement, triumph. |
Vigilant |
Alert, wary, watchful, cautious, anxious, careful. |
Vigour |
Energy,stigma,force,vitality,vigor, power, ability. |
Waive |
Lessen, decrease, diminish, fade, abandon, let go, give up, refuse. |
Wicked |
Evil, bad, cruel, heartless, corrupt, wrongful. |
Wedlock |
Marriage, wedding, matrimony, pledge, wedded bliss, coupling. |
Wisdom |
Learning, prudence, judgment, understanding, perception. |
Withhold |
Restrain, detain, hold back, suppress, stop, hide, swallow. |
Wreck |
Destruction, ruin,crash,collision, destruction, remains. |
Wretched |
Mean, miserable, unfortunate, deplorable, miserable, mourning. |
Yearn |
Pine, long, hanker, grieve, crave, languish. |
Yield |
Submit, surrender, Relent, quit, note, allow, sanction, earning, harvest. |
Zeal |
Enthusiasm, eagerness, earnestness, passion, fervour. |
Zenith |
Summit, top, apex, peak, climax, optimum, crest. |
Most useful synonyms used in IELTS writing and speaking part-4
Most useful synonyms used in IELTS writing and speaking part-4
Most useful synonyms used in IELTS writing and speaking part-4
Most useful synonyms used in IELTS writing and speaking part-4
Most useful synonyms used in IELTS writing and speaking part-4
Most useful synonyms used in IELTS writing and speaking part-4
Most useful synonyms used in IELTS writing and speaking part-4
Most useful synonyms used in IELTS writing and speaking part-4
Most useful synonyms used in IELTS writing and speaking part-4
Most useful synonyms used in IELTS writing and speaking part-4
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