Weather: IELTS Speaking Part 1 Latest Questions And Answers. These are the IELTS Speaking Part 1 Topics and Questions on general topics about your life. Your answers will be from your life and experience.
Weather: IELTS Speaking Part 1 Latest Questions And Answers
Question 1:- What’s the weather like where you live?
Answer 1:- The weather we are going through is Manson, which begins on June 1st week and last for about four months.
Answer 2:- I’m living in Gujarat, and it has three different types of climate: summer, winter, and monsoon, but in the past few years, heat waves have been more common than in past decades.
Question 2:- Do you prefer cold or hot weather?
Answer 1:- Well. Winter season is the most awaited season of the year, which falls at the end of the year.
Answer 2:- I prefer cold weather because in cold weather. It can work more efficiently, and I also love cold weather, so the winter season is my favorite season.
Question 3:- Do you prefer dry or wet weather?
Answer 1:- I don’t mind the wet weather, although it’s raining, but the weather blankets the environment with greenery.
Answer 2:- I prefer dry weather because in a wet environment. It’s too dark, and I don’t like too dark an environment. Also, in India, every year in the monsoon season, there is too much water on the roads, so I don’t like the monsoon season.
Question 4:- Are you in the habit of checking the weather forecast?
Answer 1:- If I am traveling, I definitely look for forecasts; it’s easy for me to make plans ahead depending on what to expect in the destination which I will reach.
Answer 2:- Not very often, but when in monsoon season, I always check the weather forecast whenever I have to go outside like de for some reason. Because in monsoon season there is too much rain.
Question 5:- What do you think are the effects of climate change in recent years?
Answer 1:- The climate has drastically changed due to global warming. In the past, the seasons had precise beginnings; of late, everything is gone vague.
Answer 2:- Yes, there is some difference in climate as compared to the past. Nowadays, there are too many heat waves and less rain in the monsoon, and the winter will become shorter and shorter.
Question 6:- Would you like to visit other cities that have different climates from where you live?
Answer 1:- Off course, I wish to travel to places around the globe where the weather is unlike.
Answer 2:– Yes, definitely. I want to visit a city that has a different climate from my hometown. I also want to visit Kashmir because, in the northern part of India, there is a cold environment compared to where I live, so I want to visit some cool, cold places like Jammu and Kashmir and also Badrinath.
Question 7:- How do you usually dress for different types of weather?
Answer 1:- In summer we wear loose cotton clothing, in rainy climates it’s with waterproof jackets and in winter as the usual warm clothing.
Answer 2:- Depending on the season, if it’s winter. I have to wear thick clothes, and if it’s summer, I have to wear short clothes like short-sleeve T-shirts and many more. In the summer, there is too much heat, and in the winter, there is too much cold in the environment.
Question 8:- Are there any traditional or cultural celebrations or events in your country that are influenced by the weather?
Answer 1:- Well, the seasons are marked by traditional celebrations in our country. But in recent times, such celebrations have been observed in rural areas only.
Answer 2:- There are many cultural events that are inspired by the weather, such as Holi. In the summer season, we play Holi because there is a hot environment, and we play with water because it helps us relax. Also, there are many cultural events that are inspired by the weather.
Question 9:- Does the weather in your country change a lot throughout the year?
Answer 1:– We particularly enjoy three seasons of 4 months in a year. Although, in recent times, the period has become uneven still throughout the year, three seasons are observed.
Answer 2:– Yes, India has three tropical climates: summer, winter, and monsoon. So every season has four months every year, but as I said before, winter has become shorter and shorter, and there is too little rain nowadays.
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